Page 85 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 5-6: Znanje, motivacija in pogoji učenja v luči mednarodnih primerjav TIMSS in PISA, ur. Barbara Japelj Pavešić in Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
P. 85
b. japelj pavešić ■ kdo ima veselje z matematiko in naravoslovjem v šoli?
Fan Lianghuo, Quek Khiok Seng, Zhu Yan,Yeo Shu Mei, Lionel Pereira-
Mendoza, Lee Peng Yee. (2005). Assessing Singapore Students’
Attitudes toward Mathematics and Mathematics Learning: Findings
from a Survey of Lower Secondary Students. Digital Library of
National Institute of Education, Singapore. Dosegljivo: https://reposi-
Georgiou, S. N., Stavrinides, P. in Kalavana, T. (2007). ‚Is Victor Better than
Victoria at Maths?‘ Educational Psychology in Practice, 23:4, str. 329–
342, DOI: 10.1080/02667360701660951
Japelj Pavešič, Barbara in Svetlik, Karmen. (2016a). Znanje matematike in
naravoslovja med osmošolci v Sloveniji in po svetu. Izsledki raziskave
TIMSS 2015. Pedagoški inštitut, Ljubljana.
Japelj Pavešič, Barbara in Svetlik, Karmen. (2016b). Znanje preduniverzitetne
matematike in fizike v Sloveniji in po svetu. Izsledki raziskave TIMSS
Advanced 2015. Pedagoški inštitut, Ljubljana.
Lay, Y. F. in Chandrasegaran, A. L. (2016). The predictive effects of moti-
vation toward learning science on TIMSS grade 8 students’ science
achievement: A comparative study between Malaysia and Singapore.
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education,
12(12), str. 2949-2959 doi: 10.12973
Lipnevich, A. A., MacCann C., Krumm S., Burrus J. in Roberts, D. R.
(2011). Mathematics attitudes and mathematics outcomes of of US and
Belarusian middle school students. Journal of Educational Psychology,
vol. 103, no. 1, str. 105–118.
Ma, X. in Kishor, N. (1997). Assessing the relationship between attitude to-
ward mathematics and achievement in mathematics: A meta-analysis.
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 28, str. 26–47.
Martin, M. O. in Mullis, I. V. S. (ur.). (2103). TIMSS and PIRLS 2011: Relationships
Among Reading, Mathematics, and Science Achievement at the Fourth
Grade—Implications for Early Learning. Chestnut Hill, MA: TIMSS &
PIRLS International Study Center, Boston College.
Martin, M. O., Mullis, I. V. S., Foy, P. in Hooper, M. (2016). TIMSS 2015
International Results in Science. Boston College, TIMSS & PIRLS
International Study Center,
Martin, M. O., Mullis, I. V. S., Hooper, M., Yin, L., Foy P. in Palazzo,
L. (2015). Creating and Interpreting the TIMSS 2015 Context
Questionnaire Scales. V M. O. Martin, I. V.S. Mullis in M. Hooper
(ur.), Methods and Procedures in TIMSS 2015, Boston College, TIMSS
Fan Lianghuo, Quek Khiok Seng, Zhu Yan,Yeo Shu Mei, Lionel Pereira-
Mendoza, Lee Peng Yee. (2005). Assessing Singapore Students’
Attitudes toward Mathematics and Mathematics Learning: Findings
from a Survey of Lower Secondary Students. Digital Library of
National Institute of Education, Singapore. Dosegljivo: https://reposi-
Georgiou, S. N., Stavrinides, P. in Kalavana, T. (2007). ‚Is Victor Better than
Victoria at Maths?‘ Educational Psychology in Practice, 23:4, str. 329–
342, DOI: 10.1080/02667360701660951
Japelj Pavešič, Barbara in Svetlik, Karmen. (2016a). Znanje matematike in
naravoslovja med osmošolci v Sloveniji in po svetu. Izsledki raziskave
TIMSS 2015. Pedagoški inštitut, Ljubljana.
Japelj Pavešič, Barbara in Svetlik, Karmen. (2016b). Znanje preduniverzitetne
matematike in fizike v Sloveniji in po svetu. Izsledki raziskave TIMSS
Advanced 2015. Pedagoški inštitut, Ljubljana.
Lay, Y. F. in Chandrasegaran, A. L. (2016). The predictive effects of moti-
vation toward learning science on TIMSS grade 8 students’ science
achievement: A comparative study between Malaysia and Singapore.
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education,
12(12), str. 2949-2959 doi: 10.12973
Lipnevich, A. A., MacCann C., Krumm S., Burrus J. in Roberts, D. R.
(2011). Mathematics attitudes and mathematics outcomes of of US and
Belarusian middle school students. Journal of Educational Psychology,
vol. 103, no. 1, str. 105–118.
Ma, X. in Kishor, N. (1997). Assessing the relationship between attitude to-
ward mathematics and achievement in mathematics: A meta-analysis.
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 28, str. 26–47.
Martin, M. O. in Mullis, I. V. S. (ur.). (2103). TIMSS and PIRLS 2011: Relationships
Among Reading, Mathematics, and Science Achievement at the Fourth
Grade—Implications for Early Learning. Chestnut Hill, MA: TIMSS &
PIRLS International Study Center, Boston College.
Martin, M. O., Mullis, I. V. S., Foy, P. in Hooper, M. (2016). TIMSS 2015
International Results in Science. Boston College, TIMSS & PIRLS
International Study Center,
Martin, M. O., Mullis, I. V. S., Hooper, M., Yin, L., Foy P. in Palazzo,
L. (2015). Creating and Interpreting the TIMSS 2015 Context
Questionnaire Scales. V M. O. Martin, I. V.S. Mullis in M. Hooper
(ur.), Methods and Procedures in TIMSS 2015, Boston College, TIMSS