Page 189 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 3-4: Nasilje, šola, družba II, ur. Mitja Sardoč in Barbara Japelj Pavešić
P. 189
povzetki ■ abstracts

socialnih kompetenc. Rezultati hierarhične multiple regresijske analize
so pokazali, da so med vsemi vključenimi napovedniki pomembni na-
povedniki viktimizacije pozitivni odnosi z vrstniki in negativni odnosi
z učitelji. Dejavniki na ravni odnosov z vrstniki pojasnijo 18 % variance,
odnosi z učitelji dodatno pojasnijo 10 % variance, čustvene in socialne
kompetence pa 2 % variance viktimizacije. Dodatno sva preverili medi-
atorski učinek negativnih odnosov z učitelji na odnos med odnosi z vrst-
niki, čustvenimi in socialnimi kompetencami učencev in viktimizacijo.
Pokazalo se je, da negativni odnosi z učitelji vplivajo na odnos med pro-
socialnim vedenjem in viktimizacijo ter negativnimi odnosi z vrstniki in
viktimizacijo, kar govori v prid pomembnosti odnosov z učitelji v proce-
su viktimizacije.
Ključne besede: viktimizacija, čustvene in socialne kompetence, odnosi z
vrstniki, odnosi med učenci in učitelji

Experiencing bullying (victimization) in adolescence is a risk factor of oc-
currence of psychosocial problems and negative consequences for indi-
viduals even later in life. Due to the lack of research in the field of emo-
tional and social competencies (empathy, self-awareness and self-esteem),
peer relationships (positive peer relations, conduct problems, prosocial be-
havior) and relationships with teachers (positive in negative) in the con-
text of victimization in the Slovenian school environment, the aim of our
study was to examine the predictive value of mentioned factors in the oc-
currence of victimization. The data were collected in a pilot study with-
in the framework of the project Hand in hand: Social and Emotional
Skills for Tolerant and Non-discriminative Societies. The study involved
123 students from six elementary schools aged between 13 and 15 (M =
13.20, SD = 0.42). In the analyzes we used the Olweus’ bully/victim ques-
tionnaire (OBVQ, Olweus, 1996; Victimization scale) to measure victim-
ization; Slovene version of the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire
(SDQ, Goodman, 1997) to measure relationships with peers; The Teacher
As Social Context scale (TASC, Belmont, Skinner, Wellbron, and
Connell, 1992) and the questionnaire retrieved from PISA 2015 survey
(OECD, 2017) for measuring teacher-students relations; Self-Description
Questionnaire (SDQ II, Marsh, 1992), Interpersonal Reactivity Index
(IRI; Davis, 1980) and the Kentucky Mindfulness Scale (Baer, Smith,
and Allen, 2004) for measuring emotional and social competencies.

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