Page 189 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 3-4: Nasilje, šola, družba II, ur. Mitja Sardoč in Barbara Japelj Pavešić
P. 189
povzetki ■ abstracts
socialnih kompetenc. Rezultati hierarhične multiple regresijske analize
so pokazali, da so med vsemi vključenimi napovedniki pomembni na-
povedniki viktimizacije pozitivni odnosi z vrstniki in negativni odnosi
z učitelji. Dejavniki na ravni odnosov z vrstniki pojasnijo 18 % variance,
odnosi z učitelji dodatno pojasnijo 10 % variance, čustvene in socialne
kompetence pa 2 % variance viktimizacije. Dodatno sva preverili medi-
atorski učinek negativnih odnosov z učitelji na odnos med odnosi z vrst-
niki, čustvenimi in socialnimi kompetencami učencev in viktimizacijo.
Pokazalo se je, da negativni odnosi z učitelji vplivajo na odnos med pro-
socialnim vedenjem in viktimizacijo ter negativnimi odnosi z vrstniki in
viktimizacijo, kar govori v prid pomembnosti odnosov z učitelji v proce-
su viktimizacije.
Ključne besede: viktimizacija, čustvene in socialne kompetence, odnosi z
vrstniki, odnosi med učenci in učitelji
Experiencing bullying (victimization) in adolescence is a risk factor of oc-
currence of psychosocial problems and negative consequences for indi-
viduals even later in life. Due to the lack of research in the field of emo-
tional and social competencies (empathy, self-awareness and self-esteem),
peer relationships (positive peer relations, conduct problems, prosocial be-
havior) and relationships with teachers (positive in negative) in the con-
text of victimization in the Slovenian school environment, the aim of our
study was to examine the predictive value of mentioned factors in the oc-
currence of victimization. The data were collected in a pilot study with-
in the framework of the project Hand in hand: Social and Emotional
Skills for Tolerant and Non-discriminative Societies. The study involved
123 students from six elementary schools aged between 13 and 15 (M =
13.20, SD = 0.42). In the analyzes we used the Olweus’ bully/victim ques-
tionnaire (OBVQ, Olweus, 1996; Victimization scale) to measure victim-
ization; Slovene version of the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire
(SDQ, Goodman, 1997) to measure relationships with peers; The Teacher
As Social Context scale (TASC, Belmont, Skinner, Wellbron, and
Connell, 1992) and the questionnaire retrieved from PISA 2015 survey
(OECD, 2017) for measuring teacher-students relations; Self-Description
Questionnaire (SDQ II, Marsh, 1992), Interpersonal Reactivity Index
(IRI; Davis, 1980) and the Kentucky Mindfulness Scale (Baer, Smith,
and Allen, 2004) for measuring emotional and social competencies.
socialnih kompetenc. Rezultati hierarhične multiple regresijske analize
so pokazali, da so med vsemi vključenimi napovedniki pomembni na-
povedniki viktimizacije pozitivni odnosi z vrstniki in negativni odnosi
z učitelji. Dejavniki na ravni odnosov z vrstniki pojasnijo 18 % variance,
odnosi z učitelji dodatno pojasnijo 10 % variance, čustvene in socialne
kompetence pa 2 % variance viktimizacije. Dodatno sva preverili medi-
atorski učinek negativnih odnosov z učitelji na odnos med odnosi z vrst-
niki, čustvenimi in socialnimi kompetencami učencev in viktimizacijo.
Pokazalo se je, da negativni odnosi z učitelji vplivajo na odnos med pro-
socialnim vedenjem in viktimizacijo ter negativnimi odnosi z vrstniki in
viktimizacijo, kar govori v prid pomembnosti odnosov z učitelji v proce-
su viktimizacije.
Ključne besede: viktimizacija, čustvene in socialne kompetence, odnosi z
vrstniki, odnosi med učenci in učitelji
Experiencing bullying (victimization) in adolescence is a risk factor of oc-
currence of psychosocial problems and negative consequences for indi-
viduals even later in life. Due to the lack of research in the field of emo-
tional and social competencies (empathy, self-awareness and self-esteem),
peer relationships (positive peer relations, conduct problems, prosocial be-
havior) and relationships with teachers (positive in negative) in the con-
text of victimization in the Slovenian school environment, the aim of our
study was to examine the predictive value of mentioned factors in the oc-
currence of victimization. The data were collected in a pilot study with-
in the framework of the project Hand in hand: Social and Emotional
Skills for Tolerant and Non-discriminative Societies. The study involved
123 students from six elementary schools aged between 13 and 15 (M =
13.20, SD = 0.42). In the analyzes we used the Olweus’ bully/victim ques-
tionnaire (OBVQ, Olweus, 1996; Victimization scale) to measure victim-
ization; Slovene version of the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire
(SDQ, Goodman, 1997) to measure relationships with peers; The Teacher
As Social Context scale (TASC, Belmont, Skinner, Wellbron, and
Connell, 1992) and the questionnaire retrieved from PISA 2015 survey
(OECD, 2017) for measuring teacher-students relations; Self-Description
Questionnaire (SDQ II, Marsh, 1992), Interpersonal Reactivity Index
(IRI; Davis, 1980) and the Kentucky Mindfulness Scale (Baer, Smith,
and Allen, 2004) for measuring emotional and social competencies.