Page 194 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 3-4: Nasilje, šola, družba II, ur. Mitja Sardoč in Barbara Japelj Pavešić
P. 194
šolsko polje, letnik xxx, številka 3–4
more cruel than in the face-to-face violence. And last but not least - young
“digital natives” are just as ignorant about how highly traceable they are in
the virtual world. They often think that they can commit violence anon-
ymously. In Slovenia, we have been dealing with the prevention of cyber-
bullying among young people for a long time, and we have been devoting
ourselves to it very intensively for last 15 years. This is implement on sever-
al levels, but only key actions and stakeholders are mentioned here. Most
activities are conducted through the Safer Internet Center, which is con-
sisting of four partner organizations. Safer Internet Center has three seg-
ments. is an outreach project that addresses children, adolescents,
teachers and parents. The second part of the project is Tom Telephone,
which offers the same audience the opportunity to talk anonymously
about the problems of young people. The third part is Hotline Spletno
oko enables internet users anonymous report of hate speech and child sex-
ual abuse images. Another important stakeholder at the moment is the
Odklikni! Project, which addresses violence against girls; girls are much
more exposed to this violence than boys. The article provides a summary
of the Safer Internet Center’s activities and findings from responses from
participants who are overwhelmingly oral because of fears of disclosure to
the victim, perpetrator or powerlessness of the school. The data are there-
fore based on collections of information collected by each segment of the
Center and are considered as a common database of information on the
care for a safer Internet for young people in Slovenia.
Keywords: cyberbullying,, Arnes
Zora Rutar Ilc
Ključni namen prispevka je osvetliti pomen psihosocialnih odnosov za
različne vidike počutja in klime ter utemeljiti spodbudno in varno učno
okolje kot enega pomembnih varovalnih dejavnikov pri preprečevanju na-
silnega vedenja učencev, s tem v povezavi predstaviti nekaj konkretnih
strategij, ki učiteljem in šolam lahko pomagajo graditi na teh izhodiščih.
Uvodoma izpostavimo vlogo učitelja pri vodenju razreda za dobro klimo
in vključenost ter pomen njegove odnosne kompetence pri tem. Opišemo
tudi dve orodji v podporo vključujočemu vodenju razreda in nekaj stra-
tegij ter namigov za prakso. Nakazujemo pa tudi, kako lahko pri učen-
cih krepimo prosocialno vedenje kot dejavnik preventive pred medvrstni-
škim nasiljem, in pojasnimo ključno vlogo čustvenega in socialnega učenja
učencev, pa tudi učiteljev in njihove odnosne kompetence za spodbudno
more cruel than in the face-to-face violence. And last but not least - young
“digital natives” are just as ignorant about how highly traceable they are in
the virtual world. They often think that they can commit violence anon-
ymously. In Slovenia, we have been dealing with the prevention of cyber-
bullying among young people for a long time, and we have been devoting
ourselves to it very intensively for last 15 years. This is implement on sever-
al levels, but only key actions and stakeholders are mentioned here. Most
activities are conducted through the Safer Internet Center, which is con-
sisting of four partner organizations. Safer Internet Center has three seg-
ments. is an outreach project that addresses children, adolescents,
teachers and parents. The second part of the project is Tom Telephone,
which offers the same audience the opportunity to talk anonymously
about the problems of young people. The third part is Hotline Spletno
oko enables internet users anonymous report of hate speech and child sex-
ual abuse images. Another important stakeholder at the moment is the
Odklikni! Project, which addresses violence against girls; girls are much
more exposed to this violence than boys. The article provides a summary
of the Safer Internet Center’s activities and findings from responses from
participants who are overwhelmingly oral because of fears of disclosure to
the victim, perpetrator or powerlessness of the school. The data are there-
fore based on collections of information collected by each segment of the
Center and are considered as a common database of information on the
care for a safer Internet for young people in Slovenia.
Keywords: cyberbullying,, Arnes
Zora Rutar Ilc
Ključni namen prispevka je osvetliti pomen psihosocialnih odnosov za
različne vidike počutja in klime ter utemeljiti spodbudno in varno učno
okolje kot enega pomembnih varovalnih dejavnikov pri preprečevanju na-
silnega vedenja učencev, s tem v povezavi predstaviti nekaj konkretnih
strategij, ki učiteljem in šolam lahko pomagajo graditi na teh izhodiščih.
Uvodoma izpostavimo vlogo učitelja pri vodenju razreda za dobro klimo
in vključenost ter pomen njegove odnosne kompetence pri tem. Opišemo
tudi dve orodji v podporo vključujočemu vodenju razreda in nekaj stra-
tegij ter namigov za prakso. Nakazujemo pa tudi, kako lahko pri učen-
cih krepimo prosocialno vedenje kot dejavnik preventive pred medvrstni-
škim nasiljem, in pojasnimo ključno vlogo čustvenega in socialnega učenja
učencev, pa tudi učiteljev in njihove odnosne kompetence za spodbudno