Page 192 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 3-4: Nasilje, šola, družba II, ur. Mitja Sardoč in Barbara Japelj Pavešić
P. 192
šolsko polje, letnik xxx, številka 3–4
nezavedanje, da gre za obliko nasilja. Do normalizacije pojava prihaja tako
pri žrtvah kot pri nadlegovalcih.
Ključne besede: medvrstniško nasilje, spletno nadlegovanje, spol, mladi,
Cyber violence is a form of peer violence and is a big problem both in the
world and in Slovenia. Within the project Odklikni! a study was conduct-
ed in the spring of 2018 in Slovenian primary and secondary schools, in-
cluding 5290 young people. The survey a high proportion of adolescents
who have already experienced cyber violence. The survey shows that vic-
tims of cyberbullying are more likely to be girls, which is in line with ex-
isting international studies. The article defines cyberviolence and various
forms of cyber violence and gives a brief overview of the results of existing
research. In this article, we focus on the findings of the research project
Odklikni!. We analyze the views of young people on cyber violence, what
types of harassment girls and boys experience, as the forms of harassment
differs regarding the gender. As the results show, also in the experience of
cyber violence, there are big gender differences - girls are much more con-
cerned about violence, stressed, scared, helpless and depressed, and boys
are more likely to consider cyber violence as fun, they don‘t care if they
experience cyber violence, or it has no consequences for them. It could be
said that boys are normalising cyber violence, or are not aware, it is a form
of violence. Normalization occurs in both victims and perpetrators.
Keywords: peer violence cyberviolence, gender, youth, ICT
Maja Vreča
Pri »novih« oblikah nasilja imamo težavo že s samim poimenovanjem,
saj se že privzeto poimenovanje spreminja z novimi pojavnimi oblika-
mi. Po drugi strani pa se že skoraj na dnevni ravni množijo poimenovan-
ja posameznih oblik nadlegovanja in nasilja ter fenomenov, povezanih z
njim. Kar je skupnega vsem tem pojavom, je predvsem to, da jih otroci in
mladostniki izpostavljajo kot največji problem rabe sodobnih tehnologij.
Težko bi našli mladostnika, ki še ni bil v vlogi žrtve tovrstnega nasilja ali
pa vsaj priča temu, da se je nasilje izvajalo nad njegovim vrstnikom ali pri-
jateljem. Nove oblike nasilja so med mladimi zelo razširjene, celo bolj
kot »tradicionalne« oblike. Za to je več razlogov. Mladi so zelo aktivni
v svojem »on-line« življenju na svetovnem spletu, pogosto se tam odvi-
je celo več njihovega komuniciranja kot v fizičnem svetu. Odrasli mladim
nezavedanje, da gre za obliko nasilja. Do normalizacije pojava prihaja tako
pri žrtvah kot pri nadlegovalcih.
Ključne besede: medvrstniško nasilje, spletno nadlegovanje, spol, mladi,
Cyber violence is a form of peer violence and is a big problem both in the
world and in Slovenia. Within the project Odklikni! a study was conduct-
ed in the spring of 2018 in Slovenian primary and secondary schools, in-
cluding 5290 young people. The survey a high proportion of adolescents
who have already experienced cyber violence. The survey shows that vic-
tims of cyberbullying are more likely to be girls, which is in line with ex-
isting international studies. The article defines cyberviolence and various
forms of cyber violence and gives a brief overview of the results of existing
research. In this article, we focus on the findings of the research project
Odklikni!. We analyze the views of young people on cyber violence, what
types of harassment girls and boys experience, as the forms of harassment
differs regarding the gender. As the results show, also in the experience of
cyber violence, there are big gender differences - girls are much more con-
cerned about violence, stressed, scared, helpless and depressed, and boys
are more likely to consider cyber violence as fun, they don‘t care if they
experience cyber violence, or it has no consequences for them. It could be
said that boys are normalising cyber violence, or are not aware, it is a form
of violence. Normalization occurs in both victims and perpetrators.
Keywords: peer violence cyberviolence, gender, youth, ICT
Maja Vreča
Pri »novih« oblikah nasilja imamo težavo že s samim poimenovanjem,
saj se že privzeto poimenovanje spreminja z novimi pojavnimi oblika-
mi. Po drugi strani pa se že skoraj na dnevni ravni množijo poimenovan-
ja posameznih oblik nadlegovanja in nasilja ter fenomenov, povezanih z
njim. Kar je skupnega vsem tem pojavom, je predvsem to, da jih otroci in
mladostniki izpostavljajo kot največji problem rabe sodobnih tehnologij.
Težko bi našli mladostnika, ki še ni bil v vlogi žrtve tovrstnega nasilja ali
pa vsaj priča temu, da se je nasilje izvajalo nad njegovim vrstnikom ali pri-
jateljem. Nove oblike nasilja so med mladimi zelo razširjene, celo bolj
kot »tradicionalne« oblike. Za to je več razlogov. Mladi so zelo aktivni
v svojem »on-line« življenju na svetovnem spletu, pogosto se tam odvi-
je celo več njihovega komuniciranja kot v fizičnem svetu. Odrasli mladim