Page 186 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 3-4: Nasilje, šola, družba II, ur. Mitja Sardoč in Barbara Japelj Pavešić
P. 186
šolsko polje, letnik xxx, številka 3–4
MVN na šoli, ter šolske klime, ki jo v veliki meri sooblikujejo tudi učitelji.
Kot najmočnejši napovednik intervencij pri učiteljih se je pokazala njiho-
va zaznava resnosti MVN, pri čemer ti kot bolj resni obliki MVN pojmu-
jejo fizično in verbalno nasilje. Ob predstavitvi posameznih empiričnih
rezultatov študij (tujih in lastnih) izpostavljamo potrebne oz. smiselne
pedagoške implikacije.
Ključne besede: medvrstniško nasilje, raziskovalne dileme, razširjenost,
opazovalci, šolska klima pri medvrstniškem nasilju
In our contribution we present the psychological research of various as-
pects of peer bullying (PB) – a phenomenon that is present in all schools.
First, we highlight some conceptual and methodological dilemmas in PB
research, such as the clear definition of peer bullying and the measure-
ment validity of this phenomenon, issues regarding investigating PB and
the validity of comparative analyses of the prevalence of PB in diverse (cul-
tural) environments. This is followed by the description of our own re-
search results in the field over the past years, with these results being de-
scriptive and covering issues such as: what is the prevalence of PB; is the
initiation rite of hazing (»pheasanting«) in secondary schools PB or not;
what is the role of the observers in PB; how is PB related to school culture
and what types of interventions teachers report to engage in when deal-
ing with PB. The results of the Slovenian children and adolescents show
that the prevalence of PB is significantly higher in primary compared to
secondary schools. There is also more PB among boys and lower perform-
ing students compared to girls and higher performing students, respec-
tively. Furthermore, we found that the initiation rite of student-novices (i.
e. »pheasanting«) in secondary schools is widespread; as 79% of the nov-
ices reported that they took part in it, 43% of them involuntarily. In 28%
of the cases, activities, which could be defined as PB, even in more dan-
gerous forms, were included. Our empirical data confirmed the important
role of the observers (active and passive reinforcers of the bully, ignorants
and defenders of the victim), whose reactions to PB have a large influence
on its prevalence, and of school climate, which is largely co-shaped by the
teachers. The strongest predictor of teacher interventions in PB situations
was their perceived severity of PB, by which they regard physical and ver-
bal bullying as more serious. Along with the presentation of different em-
pirical study results (our own and from other authors), we highlight the
necessary and meaningful pedagogical implications.
Keywords: peer bullying, research dilemmas, prevalence, observers, school
climate in peer bullying
MVN na šoli, ter šolske klime, ki jo v veliki meri sooblikujejo tudi učitelji.
Kot najmočnejši napovednik intervencij pri učiteljih se je pokazala njiho-
va zaznava resnosti MVN, pri čemer ti kot bolj resni obliki MVN pojmu-
jejo fizično in verbalno nasilje. Ob predstavitvi posameznih empiričnih
rezultatov študij (tujih in lastnih) izpostavljamo potrebne oz. smiselne
pedagoške implikacije.
Ključne besede: medvrstniško nasilje, raziskovalne dileme, razširjenost,
opazovalci, šolska klima pri medvrstniškem nasilju
In our contribution we present the psychological research of various as-
pects of peer bullying (PB) – a phenomenon that is present in all schools.
First, we highlight some conceptual and methodological dilemmas in PB
research, such as the clear definition of peer bullying and the measure-
ment validity of this phenomenon, issues regarding investigating PB and
the validity of comparative analyses of the prevalence of PB in diverse (cul-
tural) environments. This is followed by the description of our own re-
search results in the field over the past years, with these results being de-
scriptive and covering issues such as: what is the prevalence of PB; is the
initiation rite of hazing (»pheasanting«) in secondary schools PB or not;
what is the role of the observers in PB; how is PB related to school culture
and what types of interventions teachers report to engage in when deal-
ing with PB. The results of the Slovenian children and adolescents show
that the prevalence of PB is significantly higher in primary compared to
secondary schools. There is also more PB among boys and lower perform-
ing students compared to girls and higher performing students, respec-
tively. Furthermore, we found that the initiation rite of student-novices (i.
e. »pheasanting«) in secondary schools is widespread; as 79% of the nov-
ices reported that they took part in it, 43% of them involuntarily. In 28%
of the cases, activities, which could be defined as PB, even in more dan-
gerous forms, were included. Our empirical data confirmed the important
role of the observers (active and passive reinforcers of the bully, ignorants
and defenders of the victim), whose reactions to PB have a large influence
on its prevalence, and of school climate, which is largely co-shaped by the
teachers. The strongest predictor of teacher interventions in PB situations
was their perceived severity of PB, by which they regard physical and ver-
bal bullying as more serious. Along with the presentation of different em-
pirical study results (our own and from other authors), we highlight the
necessary and meaningful pedagogical implications.
Keywords: peer bullying, research dilemmas, prevalence, observers, school
climate in peer bullying