Page 119 - Klaudija Šterman Ivančič in Urška Štremfel • Globalne kompetence slovenskih učencev in učenk: konceptualni in empirični vpogledi. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2023. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 45
P. 119
l i t er at u r a
Cabrera, L. (2010). The Practice of Global Citizenship. Cambridge University
Carter, A. (2020). In search of the ideal tool for international school teachers
to increase their global competency: An Action Research Analysis of the
Global Competency Learning Continuum. International Education and
Research Journal, 19 (1), 23–37,
Castillo, J. C., Miranda, D., Bonhomme, M., Cox, C., in Bascopé, M. (2015). Mi-
tigating the Political Participation Gap from the School: The Roles of Ci-
vic Knowledge and Classroom Climate. Journal of Youth Studies, 18 (1),
Chiba, M., Sustarsic, M., Perriton, S., in Brent Edwards, D. (2021). Investiga-
ting effective teaching and learning for sustainable development and glo-
bal citizenship: Implications from a systematic review of the literature.
International Journal of Educational Development, 81, 102337, https://doi.
Cobb, D., in Couch, D. (2018). Teacher education for an uncertain future: Im-
plications of PISA’s global competence. V D. Heck in A. Ambrosetti (ur.),
Teacher Education in and for Uncertain Times (str. 35–47). Springer, htt-
Cobb, D., in Couch, D. (2022). Locating inclusion within the OECD’s assessment
of global competence: An inclusive future through PISA 2018? Policy Fu-
tures in Education, 20 (1), 56–72,
Cole, J., in Durham, D. (ur.) (2007). Generations and Globalization: Youth, Age,
and Family in the New World Economy. Indiana University Press.
Conolly, J., Lehtomäki, E., in Scheunpflug, A. (2019). Measuring global com-
petencies: a critical assessment. ANGEL Briefing Paper. Dostopno na
ma%CC%88ki-Scheunpflug_revised_29042019.pdf (pridobljeno 3. avgu-
sta 2021).
Crick, B. (2004). Essays on citizenship. Continuum.
Damaine, J. (2002). Globalisation and Citizenship Education. International
Studies in Sociology of Education, 12 (2), 117–128.
Davies, I., Ho, L.-C., Kiwan, D., Peck C. L., Peterson, A., Sant, E., in Waghid, Y.
(2018). The Palgrave Handbook of Global Citizenship and Education. Pal-
grave Macmillan.
Deardorff, D. K. (2011). Promoting Understanding and Development of Inter-
cultural Dialogue and Peace: A comparative analysis and global perspecti-
Cabrera, L. (2010). The Practice of Global Citizenship. Cambridge University
Carter, A. (2020). In search of the ideal tool for international school teachers
to increase their global competency: An Action Research Analysis of the
Global Competency Learning Continuum. International Education and
Research Journal, 19 (1), 23–37,
Castillo, J. C., Miranda, D., Bonhomme, M., Cox, C., in Bascopé, M. (2015). Mi-
tigating the Political Participation Gap from the School: The Roles of Ci-
vic Knowledge and Classroom Climate. Journal of Youth Studies, 18 (1),
Chiba, M., Sustarsic, M., Perriton, S., in Brent Edwards, D. (2021). Investiga-
ting effective teaching and learning for sustainable development and glo-
bal citizenship: Implications from a systematic review of the literature.
International Journal of Educational Development, 81, 102337, https://doi.
Cobb, D., in Couch, D. (2018). Teacher education for an uncertain future: Im-
plications of PISA’s global competence. V D. Heck in A. Ambrosetti (ur.),
Teacher Education in and for Uncertain Times (str. 35–47). Springer, htt-
Cobb, D., in Couch, D. (2022). Locating inclusion within the OECD’s assessment
of global competence: An inclusive future through PISA 2018? Policy Fu-
tures in Education, 20 (1), 56–72,
Cole, J., in Durham, D. (ur.) (2007). Generations and Globalization: Youth, Age,
and Family in the New World Economy. Indiana University Press.
Conolly, J., Lehtomäki, E., in Scheunpflug, A. (2019). Measuring global com-
petencies: a critical assessment. ANGEL Briefing Paper. Dostopno na
ma%CC%88ki-Scheunpflug_revised_29042019.pdf (pridobljeno 3. avgu-
sta 2021).
Crick, B. (2004). Essays on citizenship. Continuum.
Damaine, J. (2002). Globalisation and Citizenship Education. International
Studies in Sociology of Education, 12 (2), 117–128.
Davies, I., Ho, L.-C., Kiwan, D., Peck C. L., Peterson, A., Sant, E., in Waghid, Y.
(2018). The Palgrave Handbook of Global Citizenship and Education. Pal-
grave Macmillan.
Deardorff, D. K. (2011). Promoting Understanding and Development of Inter-
cultural Dialogue and Peace: A comparative analysis and global perspecti-