Page 124 - Klaudija Šterman Ivančič in Urška Štremfel • Globalne kompetence slovenskih učencev in učenk: konceptualni in empirični vpogledi. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2023. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 45
P. 124
obalne kompetence slovenskih učencev in učenk: konceptualni in empirični vpogledi
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Kokkonen, A., Esaiasson, P., in Gilljam, M. (2010). Ethnic Diversity and De-
mocratic Citizenship: Evidence from a Social Laboratory. Scandinavian Po-
litical Studies, 33 (4), 331–355,
Kuh, G. D. (2008). Excerpt from high-impact educational practices: What they
are, who has access to them, and why they matter. Association of Ameri-
can Colleges & Universities, 14 (3), 28, 29.
Lambert, R. D. (ur.) (1994). Educational Exchange and Global Competence. Co-
uncil on International Educational Exchange.
Law, W. W. (2007). Globalization, city development and citizenship education
in China’s Shanghai. International Journal of Educational Development,
27 (1), 18–38,
Levintova, E., Johnson, T., Scheberle, D., in Vonck, K. (2011). Global citizens
are made, not born: Multiclass role-playing simulation of global decision
making. Journal of Political Science Education, 7 (3), 245–274, https://doi.
Kathleen Lilley, K., Barker, M., in Harris, N. (2015). Exploring the Pro-
cess of Global Citizen Learning and the Student Mind-Set. Jour-
nal of Studies in International Education, 19 (3) 225–245, https://doi.
Liu, Y., Yin, Y., in Wu, R. (2020). Measuring graduate students’ global compe-
tence: Instrument development and an empirical study with a Chinese
sample. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 67 (2), 100915, https://doi.or-
Losito, B., Agrusti, G., Damiani, V., in Schulz, W. (2017). Young People’s Percep-
tions of Europe in a Time of Change. IEA International Civic and Citizen-
ship Education Study 2016, European Report. Springer.
Majewska, I. A. (2022). Teaching Global Competence: Challenges and Oppor-
tunities. College Teaching,
Martell, L. (2010). The sociology of globalization. Polity Press.
Massaro, V. R. (2022). Global citizenship development in higher educa-
tion institutions: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of
Global Education and Research, 6 (1), 98–114, https://www.doi.or-
Klump, J., in Nelson, S. (ur.) (2005). Research-based resources: Cultural com-
petency of schools. Dostopno na
nal/ (pridobljeno 10. septembra 2021).
Kokkonen, A., Esaiasson, P., in Gilljam, M. (2010). Ethnic Diversity and De-
mocratic Citizenship: Evidence from a Social Laboratory. Scandinavian Po-
litical Studies, 33 (4), 331–355,
Kuh, G. D. (2008). Excerpt from high-impact educational practices: What they
are, who has access to them, and why they matter. Association of Ameri-
can Colleges & Universities, 14 (3), 28, 29.
Lambert, R. D. (ur.) (1994). Educational Exchange and Global Competence. Co-
uncil on International Educational Exchange.
Law, W. W. (2007). Globalization, city development and citizenship education
in China’s Shanghai. International Journal of Educational Development,
27 (1), 18–38,
Levintova, E., Johnson, T., Scheberle, D., in Vonck, K. (2011). Global citizens
are made, not born: Multiclass role-playing simulation of global decision
making. Journal of Political Science Education, 7 (3), 245–274, https://doi.
Kathleen Lilley, K., Barker, M., in Harris, N. (2015). Exploring the Pro-
cess of Global Citizen Learning and the Student Mind-Set. Jour-
nal of Studies in International Education, 19 (3) 225–245, https://doi.
Liu, Y., Yin, Y., in Wu, R. (2020). Measuring graduate students’ global compe-
tence: Instrument development and an empirical study with a Chinese
sample. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 67 (2), 100915, https://doi.or-
Losito, B., Agrusti, G., Damiani, V., in Schulz, W. (2017). Young People’s Percep-
tions of Europe in a Time of Change. IEA International Civic and Citizen-
ship Education Study 2016, European Report. Springer.
Majewska, I. A. (2022). Teaching Global Competence: Challenges and Oppor-
tunities. College Teaching,
Martell, L. (2010). The sociology of globalization. Polity Press.
Massaro, V. R. (2022). Global citizenship development in higher educa-
tion institutions: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of
Global Education and Research, 6 (1), 98–114, https://www.doi.or-