Page 121 - Klaudija Šterman Ivančič in Urška Štremfel • Globalne kompetence slovenskih učencev in učenk: konceptualni in empirični vpogledi. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2023. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 45
P. 121
l i t er at u r a
Estellés, M., in Fischman, G. E. (2021). Who Needs Global Citizenship Edu-
cation? A Review of the Literature on Teacher Education. Journal of Tea-
cher Education, 72 (2), 223–236,
Evropska komisija (2015). HORIZON 2020: The EU Framework Programme
for Research and Innovation. Dostopno na
grammes/horizon2020/en/h2020-section/societalchallenges (pridobljeno
20. septembra 2022).
Evropska komisija (2023). Green skills. Dostopno na https://climate-pact.euro- (pridobljeno 3. marca 2023).
Fanghanel, J., in Cousin, G. (2012). ‘Worldly’ pedagogy: A way of conceptuali-
sing teaching towards global citizenship. Teaching in Higher Education, 17
(1), 39–50,
Fluck, U., Clouse, S. F., in Shooshtari, N. H. (2007). Reducing ethnocentrism in
international business students with an online multicultural supplement.
Journal of Teaching in International Business, 18 (2-3), 133–151, https://doi.
Freire, P. (1972). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Penguin.
Galston, W. A. (2004). Civic Education and Political Participation. Political
Science and Politics, 37 (2), 263–266.
Gardinier, P. M. (2021). Imagining globally competent learners: experts and
education policy-making beyond the nation-state, Comparative Educa-
tion, 57 (1), 130–146,
Gaudelli, W. (2016). Global Citizenship Education, Everyday Transcendence.
Geijsel, F., Ledoux, G., Reumerman, R., in ten Dam, G. (2012). Citizenship in
young people’s daily lives: differences in citizenship competences of ado-
lescents in the Netherlands. Journal of Youth Studies, 15 (6), 711–729, htt-
GENE (2022). Global Education Network in Europe. Dostopno na https://www. (pridobljeno 3. decembra 2022).
Gibson, S., in Reysen, S. (2013). Representations of global citizenship in a scho-
ol environment. International Journal of Education Research, 8 (1), 116–
Goren, H., in Yemini, M. (2017). Global citizenship education redefined – A
systematic review of empirical studies on global citizenship education.
International Journal of Educational Research, 82, 170–183, https://doi.
Estellés, M., in Fischman, G. E. (2021). Who Needs Global Citizenship Edu-
cation? A Review of the Literature on Teacher Education. Journal of Tea-
cher Education, 72 (2), 223–236,
Evropska komisija (2015). HORIZON 2020: The EU Framework Programme
for Research and Innovation. Dostopno na
grammes/horizon2020/en/h2020-section/societalchallenges (pridobljeno
20. septembra 2022).
Evropska komisija (2023). Green skills. Dostopno na https://climate-pact.euro- (pridobljeno 3. marca 2023).
Fanghanel, J., in Cousin, G. (2012). ‘Worldly’ pedagogy: A way of conceptuali-
sing teaching towards global citizenship. Teaching in Higher Education, 17
(1), 39–50,
Fluck, U., Clouse, S. F., in Shooshtari, N. H. (2007). Reducing ethnocentrism in
international business students with an online multicultural supplement.
Journal of Teaching in International Business, 18 (2-3), 133–151, https://doi.
Freire, P. (1972). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Penguin.
Galston, W. A. (2004). Civic Education and Political Participation. Political
Science and Politics, 37 (2), 263–266.
Gardinier, P. M. (2021). Imagining globally competent learners: experts and
education policy-making beyond the nation-state, Comparative Educa-
tion, 57 (1), 130–146,
Gaudelli, W. (2016). Global Citizenship Education, Everyday Transcendence.
Geijsel, F., Ledoux, G., Reumerman, R., in ten Dam, G. (2012). Citizenship in
young people’s daily lives: differences in citizenship competences of ado-
lescents in the Netherlands. Journal of Youth Studies, 15 (6), 711–729, htt-
GENE (2022). Global Education Network in Europe. Dostopno na https://www. (pridobljeno 3. decembra 2022).
Gibson, S., in Reysen, S. (2013). Representations of global citizenship in a scho-
ol environment. International Journal of Education Research, 8 (1), 116–
Goren, H., in Yemini, M. (2017). Global citizenship education redefined – A
systematic review of empirical studies on global citizenship education.
International Journal of Educational Research, 82, 170–183, https://doi.