Page 64 - Karmen Pižorn, Alja Lipavic Oštir in Janja Žmavc, ur. • Obrazi več-/raznojezičnosti. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2022. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 44
P. 64
Ključne besede: raznojezičnost, starši osnovnošolcev, prepričanja, stali-
šča, podporni dejavniki


Modern globalized society is characterized by mobility and change,
phenomena that directly affect the wider language community. The in-
habitants of Slovenia and Europe in general need multilingual abili-
ty, but there is extremely little extensive empirical research present in
literature, especially in the Slovenian educational context. We decid-
ed on this research, focused on the plurilingual ability of the parents of
primary school pupils involved in the project Languages Matter, as de-
termining the current situation regarding attitudes, beliefs and expe-
riences in the field of plurilingualism is extremely important among
participants in the Slovenian public education system. We can provide
parents with a wealth of information, resources and support in the field
of plurilingualism, but it is even more important to address their views
and beliefs. If parents are averse to plurilingualism, it will be very diffi-
cult to encourage them to take a more favourable view of it. As parents’
views, beliefs and experiences in the field of plurilingualism have not
yet been thoroughly and comprehensively researched, the research will
focus on them. We found out that about two-thirds of the parents sur-
veyed favoured plurilingualism. They agree that learning several lan-
guages is extremely important, that learning foreign languages should
start already in childhood, that they would also like to know more lan-
guages themselves, and that they also encourage learning foreign lan-
guages at home (e.g., literature in foreign languages, use of digital re-
sources, etc.).
Key words: plurilingualism, parents of primary school pupils, beliefs,
attitudes, support factors

1. Teoretični okvir

Za sodobno globalizirano družbo so značilne mobilnost in spremembe,

pojava, ki neposredno vplivata na širšo jezikovno skupnost. Prebivalci Slo-
venije in Evrope na splošno potrebujejo več-/raznojezično zmožnost, ven-
dar pa je obširnih empiričnih raziskav v literaturi, še posebej v slovenskem
izobraževalnem kontekstu, s tega področja, izjemno malo. Več-/raznojezič-
no zmožnost je treba vseskozi raziskovati, prav tako pa je treba spremlja-
ti različno, velikokrat tudi neustrezno razumevanje jezikovnega učenja, ki
več-/raznojezičnosti ne podpira in je med nekaterimi posamezniki trdno
ponotranjeno. Za raziskavo, pri kateri smo se osredotočili na raznojezično

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