Page 202 - Karmen Pižorn, Alja Lipavic Oštir in Janja Žmavc, ur. • Obrazi več-/raznojezičnosti. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2022. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 44
P. 202
isting efforts to update and intensify the presence of cross-cultural rep-
resentation of concepts in foreign language teaching. The dominance
of English in the world of media and communication with its prestige
and the prestige of other languages require the creation of new, in the
current political and linguo-political conditions sustainable concepts
of interculturality. The article will initially discuss the concepts of in-
terculturalism, transculturalism, multiculturalism, pluriculturalism and,
in short, cataculturalism. In the following discussion some important
documents will be presented, which determine the teaching at the mac-
ro level, in case of this paper, specifically the (early) foreign language
learning and, from a theoretical point of view, speak in favor of the in-
tercultural approach to foreign language learning (SEJO (2001), SEJO
Appendix (2019), FREPA (2013), ROPP (2017) and curricula). At the end,
an illustrative presentation of teachers’ thinking about interculturali-
ty, concepts, knowledge and use of relevant documents and the existing
practice in the classroom confirms the assumption that the theoretical
background remains more or less on a general level.
Key words: interculturality, national and supranational documents, the
position of teachers
Tvoj Kristus je Jud
Tvoj avto je japonec
Tvoja pica je italijanska
Tvoja demokracija je grška
Tvoja kava je brazilska
Tvoje številke so arabske
Tvoja pisava je latinska
In tvoj sosed samo en tujec. 1
1. Uvod
Zgoraj navedeno eksemplarično izbrano besedilo je namenjeno uvodnemu
premisleku o tem, kako smo vpeti v prepletene kulture in tradicije in kako
neverjetno je, da nam je uspelo iz naravnega pojava večkulturnosti in več-
jezičnosti umetno poustvariti koncepte enokulturnosti in enojezičnosti in
jih zasidrati v svojih glavah. To nam je uspelo tako na vsebinski ravni – ki
1 Originalno besedilo je v nemščini. Neznani avtor ga je napisal na plakat, namenjen
prebivalcem nemškega mesta Völklingen pri Saarbrücknu. Preden so plakat prele-
pili, ga je naključno ovekovečil nek fotograf in fotografijo dal na razpolago arhivu
(prim. DSR: Eine Initiative der Deutschen Städte-Reklame GmbH, Frankfurt am
Main, gegen Ausländerfeindlichkeit).
resentation of concepts in foreign language teaching. The dominance
of English in the world of media and communication with its prestige
and the prestige of other languages require the creation of new, in the
current political and linguo-political conditions sustainable concepts
of interculturality. The article will initially discuss the concepts of in-
terculturalism, transculturalism, multiculturalism, pluriculturalism and,
in short, cataculturalism. In the following discussion some important
documents will be presented, which determine the teaching at the mac-
ro level, in case of this paper, specifically the (early) foreign language
learning and, from a theoretical point of view, speak in favor of the in-
tercultural approach to foreign language learning (SEJO (2001), SEJO
Appendix (2019), FREPA (2013), ROPP (2017) and curricula). At the end,
an illustrative presentation of teachers’ thinking about interculturali-
ty, concepts, knowledge and use of relevant documents and the existing
practice in the classroom confirms the assumption that the theoretical
background remains more or less on a general level.
Key words: interculturality, national and supranational documents, the
position of teachers
Tvoj Kristus je Jud
Tvoj avto je japonec
Tvoja pica je italijanska
Tvoja demokracija je grška
Tvoja kava je brazilska
Tvoje številke so arabske
Tvoja pisava je latinska
In tvoj sosed samo en tujec. 1
1. Uvod
Zgoraj navedeno eksemplarično izbrano besedilo je namenjeno uvodnemu
premisleku o tem, kako smo vpeti v prepletene kulture in tradicije in kako
neverjetno je, da nam je uspelo iz naravnega pojava večkulturnosti in več-
jezičnosti umetno poustvariti koncepte enokulturnosti in enojezičnosti in
jih zasidrati v svojih glavah. To nam je uspelo tako na vsebinski ravni – ki
1 Originalno besedilo je v nemščini. Neznani avtor ga je napisal na plakat, namenjen
prebivalcem nemškega mesta Völklingen pri Saarbrücknu. Preden so plakat prele-
pili, ga je naključno ovekovečil nek fotograf in fotografijo dal na razpolago arhivu
(prim. DSR: Eine Initiative der Deutschen Städte-Reklame GmbH, Frankfurt am
Main, gegen Ausländerfeindlichkeit).