Page 132 - Karmen Pižorn, Alja Lipavic Oštir in Janja Žmavc, ur. • Obrazi več-/raznojezičnosti. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2022. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 44
P. 132
avtorjev, ki so se nam pokazali primerni za tovrsten pristop, in sicer so
to: France Prešeren kot zelo prevajani slovenski kanonski avtor, ki ga
lahko primerjamo s sočasnimi romantičnimi pesniki, Tomaž Šalamun
kot zelo prevajani slovenski pesnik z mnogimi medkulturnimi in več-
jezičnimi prvinami v njegovi poeziji; Josip Osti kot slovensko-bosan-
ski pesnik, Miroslav Košuta kot slovenski pesnik v Italiji. Medkultur-
na obravnava je možna tako na ravni recepcije besedila kot nadaljnjega
poustvarjanja. Tu pridejo individualne in osebne izkušnje učencev še
posebej do izraza, zaradi česar s tovrstnim pristopom dosegamo tudi
cilje medkulturne in še širše civilne vzgoje: preko srečevanj z drugim,
drugačnim si učenci oblikujejo samopodobo in se naučijo sprejemati
različnost, kar predstavlja načela, ki podpirajo demokratično sobivanje.
Ključne besede: poučevanje jezika, medkulturna vzgoja, književna
vzgoja, medkulturna književnost, medkulturna sporazumevalna zmo-


The purpose of this paper is to show the role of literature in the inter-
cultural approach of language teaching. Both in the field of didactics
and in the framework of scientific research, there is often a separate
treatment of language/grammar and literature. Based on a review of the
literature, some curricula for Slovene and foreign languages, the orig-
inal TILKA learning model and the lessons learned from the Languag-
es Count (JeŠt) project, we present the importance of literature in lan-
guage teaching, especially in the intercultural approach. Moreover, the
concept of intercultural literature is also specifically defined. Esselborn
(2003) describes intercultural literature as literature that can be inter-
cultural in both linguistic and substantive terms, meaning that it con-
tains contact between different languages or linguistic genres, an en-
counter with another, different, foreign, biographical interculturality of
the author‘s personal story or collective interculturality as the experi-
ence of the whole community. Through the intercultural approach and
the treatment of intercultural literature in the teaching of L1 and L2, we
achieve both the goals of language and literary education and the goals
related to the acquisition of intercultural competence. On this basis, we
can also include an intercultural approach in the teaching of Slovene
as L1 in the treatment of authors who belong either to the framework
of intercultural literature or can be treated in comparison with oth-
er authors of world literature. We can also use this approach to simul-
taneously deal with language content and develop intercultural com-
munication skills, so that we can talk about intercultural teaching of
Slovene. The article presents suggestions for intercultural teaching of

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