Page 96 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: učenje in poučevanje na daljavo - izkušnje, problemi, perspektive. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2022. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 43
P. 96
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: učenje in poučevanje na daljavo
Stewart, Shannon L., Aadhiya S. Vasudeva, Jocelyn N. van Dyke in Jeffrey
W. Poss. »Following the Epidemic Waves: Child and Youth Mental He-
alth Assessments in Ontario Through Multiple Pandemic Waves.« Front
Psychiatry (2021),
World Health Organization. Pandemic Fatigue: Reinvigorating the public to
prevent COVID-19. Copenhagen: WHO, 2020.
Stewart, Shannon L., Aadhiya S. Vasudeva, Jocelyn N. van Dyke in Jeffrey
W. Poss. »Following the Epidemic Waves: Child and Youth Mental He-
alth Assessments in Ontario Through Multiple Pandemic Waves.« Front
Psychiatry (2021),
World Health Organization. Pandemic Fatigue: Reinvigorating the public to
prevent COVID-19. Copenhagen: WHO, 2020.