Page 183 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: učenje in poučevanje na daljavo - izkušnje, problemi, perspektive. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2022. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 43
P. 183
povzetki ■ summaries
v slovenščini izrazile tudi stiske neslovensko oz. italijansko govorečih dru-
žin, ki zaradi nepoznavanja jezika v tem času niso mogle pomagati otro-
kom pri šolskem delu. Kot odziv na izražene težave v času pouka na daljavo
so nastali 20-urni izobraževalni program za učitelje, izkazala se je namreč
potreba po jasneje zastavljenih učnih ciljih pri pouku slovenščine, preno-
vljena spletna platforma SMeJse – Slovenščina kot manjšinski jezik, kjer je
bilo v času pouka na daljavo objavljeno preko 230 vsebin, in zbirka devetih
interaktivnih učnih enot Rastoča slovenščina za vrtec, osnovno šolo, prvo-
stopenjsko in drugostopenjsko srednjo šolo s slovenskim učnim jezikom v
Ključne besede: pouk na daljavo, slovenske šole v Italiji, pouk slovenščine,
učna gradiva, učne enote, izobraževanje za učitelje
Teaching Slovene in Friuli Venezia Giulia during
the Covid-19 epidemic: a conceptual and methodological
framework for the creation of new teaching materials
Maja Melinc Mlekuž
The present analysis of semi-structured in-depth interviews with teachers
complements a quantitative study (Bogatec et al., 2021) conducted among
teachers and parents of children attending primary schools with Slovene as
the language of instruction and Slovene-Italian bilingual educational insti-
tutions in Italy, and provides insights into the specific didactic and meth-
odological challenges of distance learning for learners for whom Slovene is
not the first or primary language, nor the language of their living environ-
ment. Educational institutions with Slovene as the language of instruction
in Italy, ranging from kindergartens to upper secondary schools, also en-
roll many children from non-Slovene-speaking families. While on the one
hand this leads to a potentially higher number of Slovene speakers, larger
class sizes and integration of the Slovene national minority into the majori-
ty population (Bogatec 2017; Grgič 2017; Jagodic 2019; Melinc Mlekuž 2019),
it also requires methodological adjustments to achieve the key learning ob-
jectives of teaching Slovene as L1 when Slovene is in fact L2 for most pu-
pils. Our analysis of the interviews shows that, in addition to higher rates
of forgetting and regression in language proficiency, the period of distance
learning also presented non-Slovene or Italian-speaking families with fur-
ther difficulties, as they were unable to help their children with schoolwork
due to their own lack of Slovene language skills. In response to the chal-
lenges of distance learning, a 20-hour teacher training programme was de-
v slovenščini izrazile tudi stiske neslovensko oz. italijansko govorečih dru-
žin, ki zaradi nepoznavanja jezika v tem času niso mogle pomagati otro-
kom pri šolskem delu. Kot odziv na izražene težave v času pouka na daljavo
so nastali 20-urni izobraževalni program za učitelje, izkazala se je namreč
potreba po jasneje zastavljenih učnih ciljih pri pouku slovenščine, preno-
vljena spletna platforma SMeJse – Slovenščina kot manjšinski jezik, kjer je
bilo v času pouka na daljavo objavljeno preko 230 vsebin, in zbirka devetih
interaktivnih učnih enot Rastoča slovenščina za vrtec, osnovno šolo, prvo-
stopenjsko in drugostopenjsko srednjo šolo s slovenskim učnim jezikom v
Ključne besede: pouk na daljavo, slovenske šole v Italiji, pouk slovenščine,
učna gradiva, učne enote, izobraževanje za učitelje
Teaching Slovene in Friuli Venezia Giulia during
the Covid-19 epidemic: a conceptual and methodological
framework for the creation of new teaching materials
Maja Melinc Mlekuž
The present analysis of semi-structured in-depth interviews with teachers
complements a quantitative study (Bogatec et al., 2021) conducted among
teachers and parents of children attending primary schools with Slovene as
the language of instruction and Slovene-Italian bilingual educational insti-
tutions in Italy, and provides insights into the specific didactic and meth-
odological challenges of distance learning for learners for whom Slovene is
not the first or primary language, nor the language of their living environ-
ment. Educational institutions with Slovene as the language of instruction
in Italy, ranging from kindergartens to upper secondary schools, also en-
roll many children from non-Slovene-speaking families. While on the one
hand this leads to a potentially higher number of Slovene speakers, larger
class sizes and integration of the Slovene national minority into the majori-
ty population (Bogatec 2017; Grgič 2017; Jagodic 2019; Melinc Mlekuž 2019),
it also requires methodological adjustments to achieve the key learning ob-
jectives of teaching Slovene as L1 when Slovene is in fact L2 for most pu-
pils. Our analysis of the interviews shows that, in addition to higher rates
of forgetting and regression in language proficiency, the period of distance
learning also presented non-Slovene or Italian-speaking families with fur-
ther difficulties, as they were unable to help their children with schoolwork
due to their own lack of Slovene language skills. In response to the chal-
lenges of distance learning, a 20-hour teacher training programme was de-