Page 178 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: učenje in poučevanje na daljavo - izkušnje, problemi, perspektive. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2022. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 43
P. 178
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: učenje in poučevanje na daljavo
telja v dijakove spretnosti in razumevanje njegovega procesa učenja, disci-
plina v razredu in učiteljevo navdušenje pri poučevanju. Izziv pedagoške
stroke tako vidimo v krepitvi spodbudne razredne in šolske klime v smislu
opornih ter spodbudnih odnosov med učitelji in učenci, krepitvi občutka
varnosti v razredu in učiteljeve pozitivne naravnanosti do lastnega pouče-
vanja. Kot pomembno vidimo tudi sistemsko podporo učiteljem in drugim
strokovnim delavcem pri usvajanju ter krepitvi socialno-čustvenih spret-
nosti že tekom dodiplomskega izobraževanja in kasneje v okviru nadalj-
njih usposabljanj ter v krepitvi omenjenih spretnosti učencev tekom celot-
nega izobraževanja.
Ključne besede: PISA 2018, učiteljeva socialno-čustvena opora, motivacija
za branje, spol, izobraževalni program
Teaching practices and reading motivation: differences
by gender and educational programme
Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
Results of PISA 2018 study show that Slovenian first-year upper-second-
ary school students on average reported significantly lower levels of dif-
ferent teaching practices than their peers from the OECD countries. They
also reported significantly lower levels of their reading motivation, which
proved to be below average already in PISA 2009. Since different studies
(e.g. Crosnoe et al., 2004; Kozina, 2020; Murdock and Miller, 2003) show,
that student’s perception of teaching practices is an important predictor of
learning motivation, the aim of this paper was to further investigate the
mentioned connections. We were also interested in the differences in pre-
dictors of reading motivation according to the educational programme and
gender, and we wanted to identify the most significant predictors of reading
motivation within the mentioned groups of students. For the analyses, we
used PISA 2018 data and the multiple linear regression method. The analy-
ses were performed on a representative sample of 6074 15-year-old male and
female students. The results showed that there are significant gender differ-
ences and differences between secondary education programs in various
aspects of teaching practices in Slovenia. Amongst all the included predic-
tors of reading motivation, the following proved to be a significant pre-
dictor within different groups: teacher’s confidence in students’ skills and
understanding of their learning process, disciplinary climate and teach-
er’s interest in teaching. We see the challenge of the pedagogical profes-
sion in strengthening the positive classroom and school climate in terms
telja v dijakove spretnosti in razumevanje njegovega procesa učenja, disci-
plina v razredu in učiteljevo navdušenje pri poučevanju. Izziv pedagoške
stroke tako vidimo v krepitvi spodbudne razredne in šolske klime v smislu
opornih ter spodbudnih odnosov med učitelji in učenci, krepitvi občutka
varnosti v razredu in učiteljeve pozitivne naravnanosti do lastnega pouče-
vanja. Kot pomembno vidimo tudi sistemsko podporo učiteljem in drugim
strokovnim delavcem pri usvajanju ter krepitvi socialno-čustvenih spret-
nosti že tekom dodiplomskega izobraževanja in kasneje v okviru nadalj-
njih usposabljanj ter v krepitvi omenjenih spretnosti učencev tekom celot-
nega izobraževanja.
Ključne besede: PISA 2018, učiteljeva socialno-čustvena opora, motivacija
za branje, spol, izobraževalni program
Teaching practices and reading motivation: differences
by gender and educational programme
Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
Results of PISA 2018 study show that Slovenian first-year upper-second-
ary school students on average reported significantly lower levels of dif-
ferent teaching practices than their peers from the OECD countries. They
also reported significantly lower levels of their reading motivation, which
proved to be below average already in PISA 2009. Since different studies
(e.g. Crosnoe et al., 2004; Kozina, 2020; Murdock and Miller, 2003) show,
that student’s perception of teaching practices is an important predictor of
learning motivation, the aim of this paper was to further investigate the
mentioned connections. We were also interested in the differences in pre-
dictors of reading motivation according to the educational programme and
gender, and we wanted to identify the most significant predictors of reading
motivation within the mentioned groups of students. For the analyses, we
used PISA 2018 data and the multiple linear regression method. The analy-
ses were performed on a representative sample of 6074 15-year-old male and
female students. The results showed that there are significant gender differ-
ences and differences between secondary education programs in various
aspects of teaching practices in Slovenia. Amongst all the included predic-
tors of reading motivation, the following proved to be a significant pre-
dictor within different groups: teacher’s confidence in students’ skills and
understanding of their learning process, disciplinary climate and teach-
er’s interest in teaching. We see the challenge of the pedagogical profes-
sion in strengthening the positive classroom and school climate in terms