Page 185 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: učenje in poučevanje na daljavo - izkušnje, problemi, perspektive. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2022. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 43
P. 185
povzetki ■ summaries
Pandemic education: students' experiences of distance
education in Slovenia
Nika Šušterič, Veronika Tašner, Katja Koren Ošljak, Tanja Oblak Črnič
The coronavirus pandemic has radically changed our lives, including edu-
cation. Education has been placed in a position it has never been in befo-
re: schools closed and classes moved online. Research looking at distance
education shows that different actors in the education process responded
differently to these changes. At the same time, distance education has had
different consequences for different groups involved in the educational pro-
cess. In the project Media repertoires among the Youth: social, political and
cultural aspects of digitalised everyday life, which is based on a dialogue
between media and educational perspectives, we are interested in the way
media and contemporary digital technologies are embedded in the every-
day life of young people in primary and secondary education.
Particular attention is paid to the question of technological appropriation
in school. As education in times of pandemic has completely shifted online,
at least for some time, this paper presents the results of a qualitative study
focusing on the changes, routines and demands of the new educational rea-
lity that students in Slovenia have been confronted with. We conducted se-
mi-structured group interviews and will present some of the findings about
what students considered the most important changes in their school life,
how they adapted to them, and what hindered or facilitated them in doing
so. We will conclude the paper with a discussion of the findings, both in
terms of the students' experiences and some fundamental educational issu-
es that their experiences point to.
Key words: distance education, education in times of the covid-19 pande-
mic, qualitative research, students’ experience
Stališča univerzitetnih študentov do orodij za poučevanje
na daljavo in do učenja in poučevanja tujega jezika stroke
na daljavo v času epidemije covida-19
Eva Podovšovnik, Tilen Smajla
V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati kvantitativne raziskave stališč uni-
verzitetnih študentov do uporabe digitalnih orodij za učenje in poučevanje
tujega jezika stroke (v nadaljevanju TJS) na daljavo, ko so se vse pedagoške
dejavnosti iz učilnic in predavalnic slovenskih univerz v času pandemije
covida-19 preselile na različne spletne platforme (Zoom, Microsoft Teams,
Pandemic education: students' experiences of distance
education in Slovenia
Nika Šušterič, Veronika Tašner, Katja Koren Ošljak, Tanja Oblak Črnič
The coronavirus pandemic has radically changed our lives, including edu-
cation. Education has been placed in a position it has never been in befo-
re: schools closed and classes moved online. Research looking at distance
education shows that different actors in the education process responded
differently to these changes. At the same time, distance education has had
different consequences for different groups involved in the educational pro-
cess. In the project Media repertoires among the Youth: social, political and
cultural aspects of digitalised everyday life, which is based on a dialogue
between media and educational perspectives, we are interested in the way
media and contemporary digital technologies are embedded in the every-
day life of young people in primary and secondary education.
Particular attention is paid to the question of technological appropriation
in school. As education in times of pandemic has completely shifted online,
at least for some time, this paper presents the results of a qualitative study
focusing on the changes, routines and demands of the new educational rea-
lity that students in Slovenia have been confronted with. We conducted se-
mi-structured group interviews and will present some of the findings about
what students considered the most important changes in their school life,
how they adapted to them, and what hindered or facilitated them in doing
so. We will conclude the paper with a discussion of the findings, both in
terms of the students' experiences and some fundamental educational issu-
es that their experiences point to.
Key words: distance education, education in times of the covid-19 pande-
mic, qualitative research, students’ experience
Stališča univerzitetnih študentov do orodij za poučevanje
na daljavo in do učenja in poučevanja tujega jezika stroke
na daljavo v času epidemije covida-19
Eva Podovšovnik, Tilen Smajla
V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati kvantitativne raziskave stališč uni-
verzitetnih študentov do uporabe digitalnih orodij za učenje in poučevanje
tujega jezika stroke (v nadaljevanju TJS) na daljavo, ko so se vse pedagoške
dejavnosti iz učilnic in predavalnic slovenskih univerz v času pandemije
covida-19 preselile na različne spletne platforme (Zoom, Microsoft Teams,