Page 187 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: učenje in poučevanje na daljavo - izkušnje, problemi, perspektive. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2022. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 43
P. 187
povzetki ■ summaries
two Faculties of Tourism, 20.5% the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Securi-
ty, 6.6% the Faculty of Arts and the rest other faculties. 61.8% of female stu-
dents and 38.2% of male students were included in the anonymous online
survey. The research focused on the influence of gender, affiliation of stu-
dents (university and faculty), the digital teaching tools applied in the LSP
teaching, self-evaluation of the students' knowledge of digital tools for dis-
tance learning, the evaluation of LSP teaching approaches applied by the
lecturers, and the level of adaptation of contents taught by the lecturers
during distance learning. The results show that on average, the students at-
tended about half of the distance teaching sessions, and they also indicated
their knowledge of the use of technologies for LSP distance learning as pos-
itive. They also rated positively the teaching methods and approaches of the
university lecturers and the adaptation of their LSP lessons. The results fur-
ther show that the respondents from the University of Ljubljana (UL) rat-
ed the adjustments of their lecturers higher than the respondents from oth-
er universities. Besides, results point to an array of differences in attitudes
among the respondents from other universities compared to those coming
from UL, mostly with regard to the use of the CLIL approach in LSP les-
sons. The results show it is highly advisable to gain insight into students'
views in order to develop an appropriate and unified strategy for adapting
teaching methods in times of emergency, to develop appropriate online LSP
teaching methods to ensure equal quality, especially for the socially weak-
er students and students with disabilities, as these were the most deprivi-
leged during the pandemic, an attitude shared by almost all the students
who participated in the survey.
Key words: attitudes, language for special purposes, Sars-Cov-2 epidemic,
tools for online teaching, university students.
Zagotavljanje socialne vključenosti v izobraževanju
na podlagi dobrih praks Irske in Portugalske
Igor Peras, Urška Štremfel
Mednarodni primerjalni podatki kažejo, da je področju inkluzivnega izo-
braževanja v Sloveniji smiselno nameniti dodatno raziskovalno in (javno)
politično pozornost. Socialna vključenost v izobraževanju je namreč pre-
poznana kot eden izmed pomembnih dejavnikov zmanjševanja neenakos-
ti v družbi. V prispevku se osredinjamo na prenos dobrih praks, ki v času
globalizacije predstavlja uveljavljen način oblikovanja nacionalnih (izo-
braževalnih) politik. Med teoretske uvide v proces javnopolitičnega učenja
two Faculties of Tourism, 20.5% the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Securi-
ty, 6.6% the Faculty of Arts and the rest other faculties. 61.8% of female stu-
dents and 38.2% of male students were included in the anonymous online
survey. The research focused on the influence of gender, affiliation of stu-
dents (university and faculty), the digital teaching tools applied in the LSP
teaching, self-evaluation of the students' knowledge of digital tools for dis-
tance learning, the evaluation of LSP teaching approaches applied by the
lecturers, and the level of adaptation of contents taught by the lecturers
during distance learning. The results show that on average, the students at-
tended about half of the distance teaching sessions, and they also indicated
their knowledge of the use of technologies for LSP distance learning as pos-
itive. They also rated positively the teaching methods and approaches of the
university lecturers and the adaptation of their LSP lessons. The results fur-
ther show that the respondents from the University of Ljubljana (UL) rat-
ed the adjustments of their lecturers higher than the respondents from oth-
er universities. Besides, results point to an array of differences in attitudes
among the respondents from other universities compared to those coming
from UL, mostly with regard to the use of the CLIL approach in LSP les-
sons. The results show it is highly advisable to gain insight into students'
views in order to develop an appropriate and unified strategy for adapting
teaching methods in times of emergency, to develop appropriate online LSP
teaching methods to ensure equal quality, especially for the socially weak-
er students and students with disabilities, as these were the most deprivi-
leged during the pandemic, an attitude shared by almost all the students
who participated in the survey.
Key words: attitudes, language for special purposes, Sars-Cov-2 epidemic,
tools for online teaching, university students.
Zagotavljanje socialne vključenosti v izobraževanju
na podlagi dobrih praks Irske in Portugalske
Igor Peras, Urška Štremfel
Mednarodni primerjalni podatki kažejo, da je področju inkluzivnega izo-
braževanja v Sloveniji smiselno nameniti dodatno raziskovalno in (javno)
politično pozornost. Socialna vključenost v izobraževanju je namreč pre-
poznana kot eden izmed pomembnih dejavnikov zmanjševanja neenakos-
ti v družbi. V prispevku se osredinjamo na prenos dobrih praks, ki v času
globalizacije predstavlja uveljavljen način oblikovanja nacionalnih (izo-
braževalnih) politik. Med teoretske uvide v proces javnopolitičnega učenja