Page 180 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: učenje in poučevanje na daljavo - izkušnje, problemi, perspektive. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2022. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 43
P. 180
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: učenje in poučevanje na daljavo
so se razlike med generacijami pojavljale že prej, pandemija pa je jih je le še
Ključne besede: zmožnost branja, zmožnost pisanja, materinščina, 1. vzgoj-
no-izobraževalno obdobje, delo na daljavo
Literacy of younger students in the context of distance
learning during a pandemic
Maja Kerneža
The emergency distance work during the coronavirus pandemic was un-
expected and there was no one who was not affected by the situation.
Covid situation with emergency distance education had a significant im-
pact on education, especially on the learning of the youngest students. Af-
ter the two school closures, teachers reported large differences between stu-
dents who were involved in distance learning and students who attended
school under normal circumstances. Among other things, they reported
decreased ability to read and write. Therefore, we were interested in the
effects of emergency distance education on the literacy skills of younger
students. The investigative study was based on quantitative research meth-
ods. We used a descriptive and causal nonexperimental method of educa-
tional research. Teachers assessed differences between COVID and non-
COVID generations in reading and writing using a four-point scale. As
part of the open-ended questions, we also asked teachers to write down
their own observations that were not captured in the questionnaire. 196
teachers responded, of whom one-tenth noted no differences between gen-
erations. Slightly less than one-fifth of teachers reported minor differences,
one-third reported moderate differences, and slightly more than one-quar-
ter reported major differences between generations. Teachers also reported
student problems in communication and other areas. We highlight as par-
ticularly important for further research reports that intergenerational dif-
ferences were preexisting, and that the pandemic only exacerbated these
Key words: reading skills, writing skills, mother tongue, first educational
period, distance learning
so se razlike med generacijami pojavljale že prej, pandemija pa je jih je le še
Ključne besede: zmožnost branja, zmožnost pisanja, materinščina, 1. vzgoj-
no-izobraževalno obdobje, delo na daljavo
Literacy of younger students in the context of distance
learning during a pandemic
Maja Kerneža
The emergency distance work during the coronavirus pandemic was un-
expected and there was no one who was not affected by the situation.
Covid situation with emergency distance education had a significant im-
pact on education, especially on the learning of the youngest students. Af-
ter the two school closures, teachers reported large differences between stu-
dents who were involved in distance learning and students who attended
school under normal circumstances. Among other things, they reported
decreased ability to read and write. Therefore, we were interested in the
effects of emergency distance education on the literacy skills of younger
students. The investigative study was based on quantitative research meth-
ods. We used a descriptive and causal nonexperimental method of educa-
tional research. Teachers assessed differences between COVID and non-
COVID generations in reading and writing using a four-point scale. As
part of the open-ended questions, we also asked teachers to write down
their own observations that were not captured in the questionnaire. 196
teachers responded, of whom one-tenth noted no differences between gen-
erations. Slightly less than one-fifth of teachers reported minor differences,
one-third reported moderate differences, and slightly more than one-quar-
ter reported major differences between generations. Teachers also reported
student problems in communication and other areas. We highlight as par-
ticularly important for further research reports that intergenerational dif-
ferences were preexisting, and that the pandemic only exacerbated these
Key words: reading skills, writing skills, mother tongue, first educational
period, distance learning