Page 362 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidiki vzgoje in izobraževanja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2020. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 362
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: mednarodni vidki vzgoje in izobr aževanja
slovenščine, saj mentor kot model poučevanja predstavlja učitelju začetni-
ku merilo kakovosti učitelja z vidika poučevanja in ima najbolj neposreden
vpliv na učitelja začetnika (Javornik Krečič, 2008) z vidika oblikovanja po-
klicne identitete in mora torej služiti kot (zgleden) model učiteljeve vloge v
izobraževanju (Koki, 1997).
Ključne besede: učitelj začetnik, uvajanje v pedagoški poklic, poklicna iden-
titeta, vloga mentorja, profesionalni razvoj učitelja
Forming the professional identity of Slovene language
University education can not provide prospective teachers all the knowl-
edge, skills and (especially subject-specific) competences they need for
teaching and also can not prepare them for all the situations they face
while entering the profession. For this reason, it is very important, that
the induction period in the teaching profession involves the assistance of
a mentor and is an intensive period for learning and beginning‘s teacher‘s
professional development (Peklaj et al., 2009; Supporting teacher compe-
tence development for better learning outcomes, 2013; Valenčič Zuljan et
al. 2006).
The induction period into teaching profession is an important factor of be-
ginning‘s teacher professional development, because the context, in which
the induction takes place, and the quality of a mentor also affects progres-
sion and professional development of a beginning teacher (Bela knjiga,
2011; Valenčič Zuljan et al., 2007b). The first period (together with universi-
ty education) in the professional development of teacher, is the most sensi-
tive and decisive in his professional socialization (Javornik Krečič, 2008). It
is also the process of forming his professional identity (Muršak et al., 2011),
because beginning teacher identifies with other teachers, especially with
his mentor, who poses him a point of identification.
The purpose of the paper is to show the attitude of beginning teacher and
mentor, the expectations of beginners towards their mentors, as well as the
judgement of beginners regarding their mentors‘ ability to perform the role
of mentor and the judgement of their professional competence for teach-
ing Slovene. These aspects are crucial in the process of forming the identi-
ty of beginners as teachers of Slovene, because mentor, as a model of teach-
ing, represents the beginner teacher a measure of teacher quality in terms
of teaching and has the most direct influence on the beginning teach-
er (Javornik Krečič, 2008) in terms of professional identity formation and
slovenščine, saj mentor kot model poučevanja predstavlja učitelju začetni-
ku merilo kakovosti učitelja z vidika poučevanja in ima najbolj neposreden
vpliv na učitelja začetnika (Javornik Krečič, 2008) z vidika oblikovanja po-
klicne identitete in mora torej služiti kot (zgleden) model učiteljeve vloge v
izobraževanju (Koki, 1997).
Ključne besede: učitelj začetnik, uvajanje v pedagoški poklic, poklicna iden-
titeta, vloga mentorja, profesionalni razvoj učitelja
Forming the professional identity of Slovene language
University education can not provide prospective teachers all the knowl-
edge, skills and (especially subject-specific) competences they need for
teaching and also can not prepare them for all the situations they face
while entering the profession. For this reason, it is very important, that
the induction period in the teaching profession involves the assistance of
a mentor and is an intensive period for learning and beginning‘s teacher‘s
professional development (Peklaj et al., 2009; Supporting teacher compe-
tence development for better learning outcomes, 2013; Valenčič Zuljan et
al. 2006).
The induction period into teaching profession is an important factor of be-
ginning‘s teacher professional development, because the context, in which
the induction takes place, and the quality of a mentor also affects progres-
sion and professional development of a beginning teacher (Bela knjiga,
2011; Valenčič Zuljan et al., 2007b). The first period (together with universi-
ty education) in the professional development of teacher, is the most sensi-
tive and decisive in his professional socialization (Javornik Krečič, 2008). It
is also the process of forming his professional identity (Muršak et al., 2011),
because beginning teacher identifies with other teachers, especially with
his mentor, who poses him a point of identification.
The purpose of the paper is to show the attitude of beginning teacher and
mentor, the expectations of beginners towards their mentors, as well as the
judgement of beginners regarding their mentors‘ ability to perform the role
of mentor and the judgement of their professional competence for teach-
ing Slovene. These aspects are crucial in the process of forming the identi-
ty of beginners as teachers of Slovene, because mentor, as a model of teach-
ing, represents the beginner teacher a measure of teacher quality in terms
of teaching and has the most direct influence on the beginning teach-
er (Javornik Krečič, 2008) in terms of professional identity formation and