Page 366 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidiki vzgoje in izobraževanja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2020. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 366
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: mednarodni vidki vzgoje in izobr aževanja
which is the extreme pole on the continuum of heterogeneity of the charac-
teristics of the gifted. Other psychosocial characteristics of gifted students
are underrepresented, including characteristics of twice-exceptional gift-
ed students or underachievers. Besides, some domains of talent (e.g., social
sciences, humanities, natural sciences) where gifted students can (also) de-
velop their talent, are not mentioned. On the other hand, the analysis of as-
sociations of the concept of gifted education shows the dominance of the
semantic category concrete didactic-methodical adjustments. Younger stu-
dents in comparison to older ones are expressing more frequently associa-
tions regarding additional forms of work with gifted students. In general,
associations are reflecting the awareness of the importance of gifted educa-
tion in terms of enumerating active methods of work, differentiation and
a critical viewpoint towards existing practices of working with gifted stu-
dents in schools (more often expressed in older students). The results indi-
cate that the AGA technique is a relevant method to investigate the men-
tal representations of prospective teachers in relation to the study contents,
which enable the achievement of the competencies for quality professional
work with gifted students.
Keywords: attitudes towards gifted students, future teachers, education of
gifted students, teacher education, stereotypes about gifted students
Ana Stanovnik Perčič
Vpliv mednarodnega sodelovanja na profesionalni razvoj
izobraževalcev odraslih
V Sloveniji za nadaljnji profesionalni razvoj izobraževalcev odraslih skrbi
Andragoški center Slovenije, v okviru EU pa je nadgrajevanju znanja izo-
braževalcev in sistema izobraževanja odraslih že od leta 2000 dalje name-
njena veja EU programa. V okviru mednarodnega sodelovanja je moč pri-
dobiti številna znanja in izkušnje. V prispevku bomo prikazali, v kolikšni
meri lahko sodelovanje v mednarodnem projektu vpliva na različne vidi-
ke profesionalnega razvoja izobraževalcev preko rezultatov izvedenih ana-
liz učinkov sodelovanja v programu EU.
Rezultati so bili pridobljeni s pomočjo analize treh virov. Prvi vir je Vme-
sno nacionalno poročilo o implementaciji in učinkih programa Erasmus+,
ki jo je v vmesni fazi izvajanja programa Erasmus+ pripravilo Ministrstvo
za izobraževanje, znanost in šport v sodelovanju z zunanjo ekspertko in
CMEPIUS-om. Drugi vir predstavljajo individualna poročila o izvedeni
mobilnosti, ki jih izpolni vsak udeleženec projekta Individualna mobilnost
which is the extreme pole on the continuum of heterogeneity of the charac-
teristics of the gifted. Other psychosocial characteristics of gifted students
are underrepresented, including characteristics of twice-exceptional gift-
ed students or underachievers. Besides, some domains of talent (e.g., social
sciences, humanities, natural sciences) where gifted students can (also) de-
velop their talent, are not mentioned. On the other hand, the analysis of as-
sociations of the concept of gifted education shows the dominance of the
semantic category concrete didactic-methodical adjustments. Younger stu-
dents in comparison to older ones are expressing more frequently associa-
tions regarding additional forms of work with gifted students. In general,
associations are reflecting the awareness of the importance of gifted educa-
tion in terms of enumerating active methods of work, differentiation and
a critical viewpoint towards existing practices of working with gifted stu-
dents in schools (more often expressed in older students). The results indi-
cate that the AGA technique is a relevant method to investigate the men-
tal representations of prospective teachers in relation to the study contents,
which enable the achievement of the competencies for quality professional
work with gifted students.
Keywords: attitudes towards gifted students, future teachers, education of
gifted students, teacher education, stereotypes about gifted students
Ana Stanovnik Perčič
Vpliv mednarodnega sodelovanja na profesionalni razvoj
izobraževalcev odraslih
V Sloveniji za nadaljnji profesionalni razvoj izobraževalcev odraslih skrbi
Andragoški center Slovenije, v okviru EU pa je nadgrajevanju znanja izo-
braževalcev in sistema izobraževanja odraslih že od leta 2000 dalje name-
njena veja EU programa. V okviru mednarodnega sodelovanja je moč pri-
dobiti številna znanja in izkušnje. V prispevku bomo prikazali, v kolikšni
meri lahko sodelovanje v mednarodnem projektu vpliva na različne vidi-
ke profesionalnega razvoja izobraževalcev preko rezultatov izvedenih ana-
liz učinkov sodelovanja v programu EU.
Rezultati so bili pridobljeni s pomočjo analize treh virov. Prvi vir je Vme-
sno nacionalno poročilo o implementaciji in učinkih programa Erasmus+,
ki jo je v vmesni fazi izvajanja programa Erasmus+ pripravilo Ministrstvo
za izobraževanje, znanost in šport v sodelovanju z zunanjo ekspertko in
CMEPIUS-om. Drugi vir predstavljajo individualna poročila o izvedeni
mobilnosti, ki jih izpolni vsak udeleženec projekta Individualna mobilnost