Page 358 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidiki vzgoje in izobraževanja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2020. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 358
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: mednarodni vidki vzgoje in izobr aževanja
Student mobility from the comparative perspective:
Slovenia and the Netherlands
This contribution deals with the development and implementation of stu-
dent mobility policies, strategies and practices in Slovenia and the Neth-
erlands. Since 1999, both countries are members of the European Higher
Education Area and hence, the Bologna Process but they are rarely in the
focus of analyses in comparative higher education research. In this context,
the contribution seeks answers to the research question of what emphasis
is given to student mobility in (internationalisation) policies and strategies
at the national and institutional level of Slovenian and Dutch higher edu-
cation and on this basis, it determines whether the defined strategic objec-
tives related to student mobility are also being implemented in practice. In-
itially, it focuses separately on the Slovenian and Dutch county case, where
it firstly examines the implementation of national and institutional (inter-
nationalisation) policies and strategies related to student mobility. After
that, it also analyses in more detail trends in long-term (degree) and short-
term (credit) mobility, thereby providing an adequate starting point for dis-
cussing the implementation of the defined policy objectives in this field in
practice. In the continuation, it places preliminary findings in the context
of comparative analysis and identifies similarities and differences in the de-
velopment and implementation of policies, strategies and practices in stu-
dent mobility in the two country cases. In the final part, it places (compar-
ative) findings in the broader context of the European Higher Education
Area and theoretically explains the main arguments in favour of conver-
gence among Bologna Process countries with the concept of institution-
al isomorphism. But by acknowledging the limits of this theoretical frame-
work, it exposes the impact of contextually-determined circumstances on
both opportunities and challenges for student mobility at the national, in-
stitutional and disciplinary level of individual higher education systems.
Keywords: student mobility, internationalization, Slovenia, the Netherlan-
ds, European Higher Education Area
Barbara Baloh, Silva Bratož
Spodbujanje medkulturne zmožnosti s čezmejnimi razredi
Osnovni namen pričujočega prispevka je predstaviti rezultate akcijske raz-
iskave, ki vključuje čezmejno sodelovanjue med šolami z istim in različnim
učnim jezikom na meji med Italijo in Slovenijo. Raziskava je bila izvedena
v okviru projekta EDUKA 2 - Čezmejno upravljanje izobraževanja (projekt
Student mobility from the comparative perspective:
Slovenia and the Netherlands
This contribution deals with the development and implementation of stu-
dent mobility policies, strategies and practices in Slovenia and the Neth-
erlands. Since 1999, both countries are members of the European Higher
Education Area and hence, the Bologna Process but they are rarely in the
focus of analyses in comparative higher education research. In this context,
the contribution seeks answers to the research question of what emphasis
is given to student mobility in (internationalisation) policies and strategies
at the national and institutional level of Slovenian and Dutch higher edu-
cation and on this basis, it determines whether the defined strategic objec-
tives related to student mobility are also being implemented in practice. In-
itially, it focuses separately on the Slovenian and Dutch county case, where
it firstly examines the implementation of national and institutional (inter-
nationalisation) policies and strategies related to student mobility. After
that, it also analyses in more detail trends in long-term (degree) and short-
term (credit) mobility, thereby providing an adequate starting point for dis-
cussing the implementation of the defined policy objectives in this field in
practice. In the continuation, it places preliminary findings in the context
of comparative analysis and identifies similarities and differences in the de-
velopment and implementation of policies, strategies and practices in stu-
dent mobility in the two country cases. In the final part, it places (compar-
ative) findings in the broader context of the European Higher Education
Area and theoretically explains the main arguments in favour of conver-
gence among Bologna Process countries with the concept of institution-
al isomorphism. But by acknowledging the limits of this theoretical frame-
work, it exposes the impact of contextually-determined circumstances on
both opportunities and challenges for student mobility at the national, in-
stitutional and disciplinary level of individual higher education systems.
Keywords: student mobility, internationalization, Slovenia, the Netherlan-
ds, European Higher Education Area
Barbara Baloh, Silva Bratož
Spodbujanje medkulturne zmožnosti s čezmejnimi razredi
Osnovni namen pričujočega prispevka je predstaviti rezultate akcijske raz-
iskave, ki vključuje čezmejno sodelovanjue med šolami z istim in različnim
učnim jezikom na meji med Italijo in Slovenijo. Raziskava je bila izvedena
v okviru projekta EDUKA 2 - Čezmejno upravljanje izobraževanja (projekt