Page 355 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidiki vzgoje in izobraževanja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2020. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 355
povzetki ■ summaries

Preschool education in member (Slovenia, Croatia)
and non-member (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia)
countries of the EU
Preschool education is the first step in organised institutional education,
which is involved in both early childhood education and preschool educa-
tion. It is primarily organised in public and private kindergartens that em-
ploy professional staff (teachers, educators, psychologists, social educators,
special educators). In the paper we used a descriptive method and a pro-
cedure for parsing the contents of valid and accessible documents and re-
sources. The purpose of the review article was to analyse and determine the
similarities and differences, advantages and disadvantages in education-
al preschool systems in Slovenia and Croatia (EU) and in third countries –
Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. The article presents an overview and
analysis of legislative, programme resources, kindergarten curricula and
kindergarten staff in the above-mentioned countries. In fact, concerning
children’s rights and education, as well as the creation of satisfactory con-
ditions at the institutional level, we expected the children to be provided at
least similar opportunities. The findings resulting from the reviewed acces-
sible resources paint a slightly different picture. There is still a large num-
ber of children without any opportunities for becoming involved in institu-
tional education at the preschool level due to various obstacles. Irrespective
of the fact that a large number of children attending early childhood and
preschool education is involved in some form of organised educational sys-
tem, that is still far from the expected 95% of children involved in kinder-
gartens, primarily in third countries. We were striving to determine how
and in what way preschool education functions in the above-mentioned
countries. Hence, we performed an international comparative analysis and
presented the findings in the article.
Keywords: education, international comparison, legislation and regulation,
preschool child, preschool education

Elena Nacevska, Tanja Oblak-Črnić, Danica Fink-Hafner, Barbara Brečko
Evropska študijska mobilnost in karierni načrti mladih
Prispevek se osredotoča na študijsko mobilnost kot na dejavnik, ki vpliva
na oblikovanje kariernih načrtov mladih in njihovih načrtov glede zaposlo-
vanja. Na podlagi pregleda literature o potencialnih dejavnikih, ki vplivajo
na mednarodno študijsko mobilnost, raziskava vključuje naslednje sklope
dejavnikov: obstoj programa Erasmus, predhodne izkušnje z mednarodno

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