Page 275 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2018. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 26
P. 275
likosti nacionalnih, institucionalnih in disciplinarnih kontekstov, v katere
je vpet njihov razvoj.
Ključne besede: internacionalizacija, zagotavljanje kakovosti, internaciona-
lizacija zagotavljanja kakovosti, zagotavljanje kakovosti internacionalizaci-
je, Slovenija
Internationalization of quality assurance and ensuring
the quality of internationalization in Slovenian higher
Internationalisation and quality assurance of higher education are un-
deniably two fields that influence the development of higher education
in the 21st century. But in ongoing discussions, they are still often consi-
dered as two separate trends, despite the increasingly international en-
vironment of higher education. In the last decade and a half, internati-
onalisation of quality assurance systems has considerably intensified in
European higher education and also various initiatives aimed at assuring
the quality of internationalisation of higher education were developed.
This has also increased the need to adequately address the link between
the two key concepts, in particular in the context of examining respon-
ses to such (supranational) efforts by individual higher education systems,
such as, for example, the Slovenian one, which is rarely in the focus of
discussions on higher education. Since their interdependent relationship
can be justified as an extension of the two individual concepts, the intro-
ductory part of this contribution first responds to the conceptual questi-
on of what do internationalisation and quality assurance of higher edu-
cation actually mean, and also defines three complementary aspects that
illustrate the mutual relationship between the two main concepts. Af-
terwards, various initiatives that have emerged in European higher edu-
cation in the field of internationalisation of external and internal quality
assurance systems are examined, and also instruments that assess the qu-
ality of internationalisation of higher education are presented. This is fol-
lowed by the analysis of national and institutional responses of Slovenian
higher education system to the development of such supranational efforts,
while in the final part, the need to acknowledge uniqueness and diversity
of national, institutional and disciplinary contexts in which their develo-
pment is embedded, is emphasized.
Key words: internationalisation, quality assurance, internationalisation of
quality assurance, quality assurance of internationalisation, Slovenia
likosti nacionalnih, institucionalnih in disciplinarnih kontekstov, v katere
je vpet njihov razvoj.
Ključne besede: internacionalizacija, zagotavljanje kakovosti, internaciona-
lizacija zagotavljanja kakovosti, zagotavljanje kakovosti internacionalizaci-
je, Slovenija
Internationalization of quality assurance and ensuring
the quality of internationalization in Slovenian higher
Internationalisation and quality assurance of higher education are un-
deniably two fields that influence the development of higher education
in the 21st century. But in ongoing discussions, they are still often consi-
dered as two separate trends, despite the increasingly international en-
vironment of higher education. In the last decade and a half, internati-
onalisation of quality assurance systems has considerably intensified in
European higher education and also various initiatives aimed at assuring
the quality of internationalisation of higher education were developed.
This has also increased the need to adequately address the link between
the two key concepts, in particular in the context of examining respon-
ses to such (supranational) efforts by individual higher education systems,
such as, for example, the Slovenian one, which is rarely in the focus of
discussions on higher education. Since their interdependent relationship
can be justified as an extension of the two individual concepts, the intro-
ductory part of this contribution first responds to the conceptual questi-
on of what do internationalisation and quality assurance of higher edu-
cation actually mean, and also defines three complementary aspects that
illustrate the mutual relationship between the two main concepts. Af-
terwards, various initiatives that have emerged in European higher edu-
cation in the field of internationalisation of external and internal quality
assurance systems are examined, and also instruments that assess the qu-
ality of internationalisation of higher education are presented. This is fol-
lowed by the analysis of national and institutional responses of Slovenian
higher education system to the development of such supranational efforts,
while in the final part, the need to acknowledge uniqueness and diversity
of national, institutional and disciplinary contexts in which their develo-
pment is embedded, is emphasized.
Key words: internationalisation, quality assurance, internationalisation of
quality assurance, quality assurance of internationalisation, Slovenia