Page 278 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2018. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 26
P. 278
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju
ometrije. Zato smo v naši raziskavi izgradili problemski pouk geometrije z
uporabo geoplošče, s pomočjo katere so si učenci vizualizirali osnovne ge-
ometrijske pojme in reševali geometrijske probleme.
Izkazalo se je, da so učenci, deležni pouka geometrije z uporabo geoploš-
če, uspešnejši pri poznavanju osnovnih geometrijskih pojmov, pa tudi pri
reševanju zahtevnejših geometrijskih problemov kot učenci, deležni klasič-
nega transmisijskega pouka geometrije ter da pristop poučevanja geometri-
je, ki učencu omogoča samostojno in s tem aktivno iskanje poti reševanja
problemov, pripomore k oblikovanju vizualnih zmožnosti in prostorskih
Ključne besede: osnovna šola, pouk matematike, geometrija, vizualizacija,
geometrijski problemi
Development of spatial representations in pupils
in the 3rd educational period
The ability of spatial perception has an important role in the mathemati-
cal thinking and influences the success in all the mathematical disciplines.
In forming spatial perceptions, the central position has the visualization
of geometric conceptions and concepts. By accelerating the ability of vi-
sualization, we can improve the ability of spatial perception and also the
ability of abstract-logical thinking which is of exceptional importance in
solving everyday problems. Numerous proofs prove that and show that the
appropriate activities in geometry lessons and the experiences with shapes,
which are acquired by the pupils during the lessons, importantly improve
spatial abilities of children (Ben-Chaim et al., 1988; Sowder and Wearne,
2006, in Van de Walle et al., 2013). Visualization as a content in the geom-
etry lessons includes the ability to create mental images of shapes, turn
them around mentally or imagine them from different viewing angles, and
predict the result of these transformations. There are no goals in Slove-
nian curriculum such as “a pupil visualizes three-dimensional objects from
the two-dimensional perspective.” In addition, much fewer hours in all the
grades of the elementary school are predicted for the geometry and mea-
surements in comparison to the contents of arithmetics and algebra, even
in spite of the alteration of the curriculum. Even though geometry enables
representation of conceptions in mathematics, which are not necessarily
geometric and are not visual by themselves, geometry is in the secondary
position in lessons in mathematics.
In the Curriculum of 2011, the complex “Mathematical problems and prob-
lems in situations in life” is added. There, a pupil can deepen her or his
ometrije. Zato smo v naši raziskavi izgradili problemski pouk geometrije z
uporabo geoplošče, s pomočjo katere so si učenci vizualizirali osnovne ge-
ometrijske pojme in reševali geometrijske probleme.
Izkazalo se je, da so učenci, deležni pouka geometrije z uporabo geoploš-
če, uspešnejši pri poznavanju osnovnih geometrijskih pojmov, pa tudi pri
reševanju zahtevnejših geometrijskih problemov kot učenci, deležni klasič-
nega transmisijskega pouka geometrije ter da pristop poučevanja geometri-
je, ki učencu omogoča samostojno in s tem aktivno iskanje poti reševanja
problemov, pripomore k oblikovanju vizualnih zmožnosti in prostorskih
Ključne besede: osnovna šola, pouk matematike, geometrija, vizualizacija,
geometrijski problemi
Development of spatial representations in pupils
in the 3rd educational period
The ability of spatial perception has an important role in the mathemati-
cal thinking and influences the success in all the mathematical disciplines.
In forming spatial perceptions, the central position has the visualization
of geometric conceptions and concepts. By accelerating the ability of vi-
sualization, we can improve the ability of spatial perception and also the
ability of abstract-logical thinking which is of exceptional importance in
solving everyday problems. Numerous proofs prove that and show that the
appropriate activities in geometry lessons and the experiences with shapes,
which are acquired by the pupils during the lessons, importantly improve
spatial abilities of children (Ben-Chaim et al., 1988; Sowder and Wearne,
2006, in Van de Walle et al., 2013). Visualization as a content in the geom-
etry lessons includes the ability to create mental images of shapes, turn
them around mentally or imagine them from different viewing angles, and
predict the result of these transformations. There are no goals in Slove-
nian curriculum such as “a pupil visualizes three-dimensional objects from
the two-dimensional perspective.” In addition, much fewer hours in all the
grades of the elementary school are predicted for the geometry and mea-
surements in comparison to the contents of arithmetics and algebra, even
in spite of the alteration of the curriculum. Even though geometry enables
representation of conceptions in mathematics, which are not necessarily
geometric and are not visual by themselves, geometry is in the secondary
position in lessons in mathematics.
In the Curriculum of 2011, the complex “Mathematical problems and prob-
lems in situations in life” is added. There, a pupil can deepen her or his