Page 280 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2018. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 26
P. 280
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju
Podali smo primere dobre izobraževalne prakse na izobrazbeni poti štu-
dentov, tudi iz sorodnih strok.
Ključne besede: družina, pluralizacija družin, študenti,predsodki, izobra-
The integration of family topics into teacher education
In the paper, we cover education, reflection, self-reflection as an important
factor in the professional career of male and female teachers, also in the
case of changing teachers’ conceptions of the family and its changes, and
consequently, their conceptions of the changed mode of the family functi-
oning, also in the case of covering the family theme in the school practice.
Due to the changes and pluralisation of the family life in the last decades,
in the world and in Slovenia, consequently, there occur different interpre-
tations of the mentioned phenomena in the school practice. The family the-
me is very often covered directly and indirectly from the first to the ninth
grade in different subjects.
In the process of life-long learning, we ask ourselves what competences
male and female teachers need to take into consideration the student’s spe-
cial traits and their active role in class. Even during the study, we could by
the help of new information and knowledge check our beliefs, if necessary
reject stereotypes that refer to different family types. Later, teachers have to
make sense of their practice, reflect on it and re-evaluate their conceptions.
We will present the results of a qualitative research that included 50 ele-
mentary female teachers from the Littoral-Karstic region and 314 female
teachers from all over Slovenia in the quantitative part of the research.On
the base of interviews and questionnaires, we tried to find out what kind of
experiences primary-school female teachers have with the family educati-
on and what their readiness for further education is like.
We gave examples of good educational practice in students’ education, also
from related professions.
Key words: family, pluralisation of families, students, prejudices, education
Manja Podgoršek in Alenka Lipovec
Besedilne naloge v obrnjeni vlogi
Besedilne naloge se v gradivih za učence in učitelje običajno po-
javljajo v vlogi, ko morajo učenci nalogo z razumevanjem prebra-
ti ter v skladu s kontekstom pridobiti odgovor na vprašanje, ki ga
naloga zahteva. V raziskavi, ki jo predstavljamo, pa smo navodila za re-
Podali smo primere dobre izobraževalne prakse na izobrazbeni poti štu-
dentov, tudi iz sorodnih strok.
Ključne besede: družina, pluralizacija družin, študenti,predsodki, izobra-
The integration of family topics into teacher education
In the paper, we cover education, reflection, self-reflection as an important
factor in the professional career of male and female teachers, also in the
case of changing teachers’ conceptions of the family and its changes, and
consequently, their conceptions of the changed mode of the family functi-
oning, also in the case of covering the family theme in the school practice.
Due to the changes and pluralisation of the family life in the last decades,
in the world and in Slovenia, consequently, there occur different interpre-
tations of the mentioned phenomena in the school practice. The family the-
me is very often covered directly and indirectly from the first to the ninth
grade in different subjects.
In the process of life-long learning, we ask ourselves what competences
male and female teachers need to take into consideration the student’s spe-
cial traits and their active role in class. Even during the study, we could by
the help of new information and knowledge check our beliefs, if necessary
reject stereotypes that refer to different family types. Later, teachers have to
make sense of their practice, reflect on it and re-evaluate their conceptions.
We will present the results of a qualitative research that included 50 ele-
mentary female teachers from the Littoral-Karstic region and 314 female
teachers from all over Slovenia in the quantitative part of the research.On
the base of interviews and questionnaires, we tried to find out what kind of
experiences primary-school female teachers have with the family educati-
on and what their readiness for further education is like.
We gave examples of good educational practice in students’ education, also
from related professions.
Key words: family, pluralisation of families, students, prejudices, education
Manja Podgoršek in Alenka Lipovec
Besedilne naloge v obrnjeni vlogi
Besedilne naloge se v gradivih za učence in učitelje običajno po-
javljajo v vlogi, ko morajo učenci nalogo z razumevanjem prebra-
ti ter v skladu s kontekstom pridobiti odgovor na vprašanje, ki ga
naloga zahteva. V raziskavi, ki jo predstavljamo, pa smo navodila za re-