Page 270 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2018. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 26
P. 270
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju
longer the case in the times of rising uncertainties. The main function of
dualisms was to reduce the complexity of social reality by dividing it into
two separate poles with opposing values, but the nature of this logic is star-
ting to be reshaped. Neoliberal educational environment subjects the stu-
dents to higher levels of stress by exposing them to contradictory deman-
ds. Just one example of this is the notion that girls must be both smart and
beautiful, while boys need to manage their rebellious side with high achie-
vements. The paper thus analyses constructions of masculinities and femi-
ninities in the classroom, with a special focus on the contradictory natu-
re of the demands put forward by the neoliberal educational environment.
Key words: gender identity constructions, masculinities, femininities, edu-
cation, neoliberalism
Ksenija Šabec
Patriotizem v izobraževanju med etnocentrizmom
in medkulturno občutljivostjo
Članek se ukvarja z vprašanjem, kakšno je razmerje med na eni strani pa-
triotizmom in etnocentrizmom oziroma nacionalizmom, ki sta po mnenju
avtorice pogosto še vedno prevladujoča mehanizma sodobnih demokratič-
nih, a etnično ne-nevtralnih nacionalnih držav, in na drugi strani medkul-
turne občutljivosti za druge kulture, ki izhaja iz etnorelativne etične pozici-
je in je postala s svojimi številnimi različicami (medkulturne kompetence/
komuniciranje/dialog) skorajšnja ultimativna zapoved sodobnih izobraže-
valnih sistemov. Omenjeno razmerje patriotizem-etnocentrizem (naciona-
lizem)-medkulturna občutljivost je s pomočjo analize vsebine in tekstualne
analize raziskano na primeru slovenskih osnovnošolskih učnih načrtov pri
izbranih predmetih z namenom ugotoviti, koliko medkulturne občutljivo-
sti – če sploh – koncept patriotizma lahko prenese in predvsem, koliko ter
v kakšnem razmerju sta v njih zastopana.
Ključne besede: patriotizem, etnocentrizem, medkulturna občutljivost, iz-
obraževanje, učni načrti
Patriotism in education between ethnocentrism
and intercultural sensitivity
The article deals with the question of the relationship between patriotism
and ethnocentrism, or nationalism, on the one hand, which, according to
the author, are often still the dominant mechanisms of modern democra-
tic, yet ethnically non-neutral national states and, on the other hand, in-
tercultural sensitivity to other cultures, which derives from ethnorelative
longer the case in the times of rising uncertainties. The main function of
dualisms was to reduce the complexity of social reality by dividing it into
two separate poles with opposing values, but the nature of this logic is star-
ting to be reshaped. Neoliberal educational environment subjects the stu-
dents to higher levels of stress by exposing them to contradictory deman-
ds. Just one example of this is the notion that girls must be both smart and
beautiful, while boys need to manage their rebellious side with high achie-
vements. The paper thus analyses constructions of masculinities and femi-
ninities in the classroom, with a special focus on the contradictory natu-
re of the demands put forward by the neoliberal educational environment.
Key words: gender identity constructions, masculinities, femininities, edu-
cation, neoliberalism
Ksenija Šabec
Patriotizem v izobraževanju med etnocentrizmom
in medkulturno občutljivostjo
Članek se ukvarja z vprašanjem, kakšno je razmerje med na eni strani pa-
triotizmom in etnocentrizmom oziroma nacionalizmom, ki sta po mnenju
avtorice pogosto še vedno prevladujoča mehanizma sodobnih demokratič-
nih, a etnično ne-nevtralnih nacionalnih držav, in na drugi strani medkul-
turne občutljivosti za druge kulture, ki izhaja iz etnorelativne etične pozici-
je in je postala s svojimi številnimi različicami (medkulturne kompetence/
komuniciranje/dialog) skorajšnja ultimativna zapoved sodobnih izobraže-
valnih sistemov. Omenjeno razmerje patriotizem-etnocentrizem (naciona-
lizem)-medkulturna občutljivost je s pomočjo analize vsebine in tekstualne
analize raziskano na primeru slovenskih osnovnošolskih učnih načrtov pri
izbranih predmetih z namenom ugotoviti, koliko medkulturne občutljivo-
sti – če sploh – koncept patriotizma lahko prenese in predvsem, koliko ter
v kakšnem razmerju sta v njih zastopana.
Ključne besede: patriotizem, etnocentrizem, medkulturna občutljivost, iz-
obraževanje, učni načrti
Patriotism in education between ethnocentrism
and intercultural sensitivity
The article deals with the question of the relationship between patriotism
and ethnocentrism, or nationalism, on the one hand, which, according to
the author, are often still the dominant mechanisms of modern democra-
tic, yet ethnically non-neutral national states and, on the other hand, in-
tercultural sensitivity to other cultures, which derives from ethnorelative