Page 187 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2018. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 26
P. 187
besedilne naloge v obrnjeni vlogi
Ginsburg, Herbert P., Joanna Cannon, Janet Eisenband in Sandra Pappas.
»Mathematical thinking and learning.« V The handbook of early child de-
velopment, ur. K. McCartney in D. Philips. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub
lishing, 2006.
Greer, Brian, Lieven Verschaffel in Erik De Corte. »The Answer is Really 4.5:
Beliefs About Word Problems.« Beliefs: A hidden variable in mathematics
education? (2002): 271–292.
Hasanah, Nur, Yusuke Hayashi in Tsukasa Hirashima. »An analysis of lear-
ner outputs in problem posing as sentence-integration in arithmetic word
problems.« Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 12, št.
1 (2017): 9.
Herscovics, Nicolas in Liora Linchevski. »A cognitive gap between arithme-
tic and algebra.« Educational studies in mathematics 27, št. 1 (1994): 59–78.
Hodnik Čadež, Tatjana. »Poučevanje matematike na razredni stopnji v luči so-
dobnih raziskav.« V 2. mednarodna Konferenca o učenju in poučevanju
matematike KUPM 2014, Čatež, 21. in 22. avgust 2014. Ljubljana: Zavod
Republike Slovenije za šolstvo, 2014.
Ku, Heng-Yu in Howard J. Sullivan. »Student performance and attitudes using
personalized mathematics instruction.« Educational Technology Research
and Development 50, št. 1 (2002): 21–34.
Lipovec, Alenka. »Preverjanje rešitev matematičnega problema pri pouku ma-
tematike v prvi triadi.« Pedagoška obzorja 2, (2005): 3–9.
Lipovec, Alenka in Sonja Lutovac. »Primarnost struktur deljenja.« Matemati-
ka v šoli, 2008: 2–16.
Lipovec, Alenka in Manja Podgoršek. »Risba kot orodje za vpogled v matema-
tično razumevanje.« Psihološka obzorja 25, (2016): 156–166.
Nunez, Terezinha, Peter Bryant, Deborah Evans, Daniel Bel in Rossana Bar-
ros. »Teaching children how to include the inversion principle in their re-
asoning about quantitative relations.« Educational Studies in Mathemati-
cs 79, (2012): 371–388.
Robinson, Katherine M., Adam K. Dubé in Jacqueline-Ann Beatch. »Chil-
dren's multiplication and division shortcuts: Increasing shortcut use de-
pends on how the shortcuts are evaluated.« Learning and Individual Di-
fferences 49, (2016): 297–304.
Robinson, Katherine M. in Jo-Anne LeFevre. »The inverse relation between
multiplication and division: Concepts, procedures, and a cognitive fra-
mework.« Educational Studies in Mathematics 79, št. 3 (2012): 409–428.
Ginsburg, Herbert P., Joanna Cannon, Janet Eisenband in Sandra Pappas.
»Mathematical thinking and learning.« V The handbook of early child de-
velopment, ur. K. McCartney in D. Philips. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub
lishing, 2006.
Greer, Brian, Lieven Verschaffel in Erik De Corte. »The Answer is Really 4.5:
Beliefs About Word Problems.« Beliefs: A hidden variable in mathematics
education? (2002): 271–292.
Hasanah, Nur, Yusuke Hayashi in Tsukasa Hirashima. »An analysis of lear-
ner outputs in problem posing as sentence-integration in arithmetic word
problems.« Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 12, št.
1 (2017): 9.
Herscovics, Nicolas in Liora Linchevski. »A cognitive gap between arithme-
tic and algebra.« Educational studies in mathematics 27, št. 1 (1994): 59–78.
Hodnik Čadež, Tatjana. »Poučevanje matematike na razredni stopnji v luči so-
dobnih raziskav.« V 2. mednarodna Konferenca o učenju in poučevanju
matematike KUPM 2014, Čatež, 21. in 22. avgust 2014. Ljubljana: Zavod
Republike Slovenije za šolstvo, 2014.
Ku, Heng-Yu in Howard J. Sullivan. »Student performance and attitudes using
personalized mathematics instruction.« Educational Technology Research
and Development 50, št. 1 (2002): 21–34.
Lipovec, Alenka. »Preverjanje rešitev matematičnega problema pri pouku ma-
tematike v prvi triadi.« Pedagoška obzorja 2, (2005): 3–9.
Lipovec, Alenka in Sonja Lutovac. »Primarnost struktur deljenja.« Matemati-
ka v šoli, 2008: 2–16.
Lipovec, Alenka in Manja Podgoršek. »Risba kot orodje za vpogled v matema-
tično razumevanje.« Psihološka obzorja 25, (2016): 156–166.
Nunez, Terezinha, Peter Bryant, Deborah Evans, Daniel Bel in Rossana Bar-
ros. »Teaching children how to include the inversion principle in their re-
asoning about quantitative relations.« Educational Studies in Mathemati-
cs 79, (2012): 371–388.
Robinson, Katherine M., Adam K. Dubé in Jacqueline-Ann Beatch. »Chil-
dren's multiplication and division shortcuts: Increasing shortcut use de-
pends on how the shortcuts are evaluated.« Learning and Individual Di-
fferences 49, (2016): 297–304.
Robinson, Katherine M. in Jo-Anne LeFevre. »The inverse relation between
multiplication and division: Concepts, procedures, and a cognitive fra-
mework.« Educational Studies in Mathematics 79, št. 3 (2012): 409–428.