Page 186 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2018. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 26
P. 186
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju
Alibali, Martha W., Ana C. Stephens, Alayna N. Brown, Yvonne S. Kao in Mi-
tchell J. Nathan. »Middle School Students' Conceptual Understanding of
Equations: Evidence from Writing Story Problems.« International Journal
of Educational Psychology 3, št. 3 (2014): 235–264.
Baroody, Arthur J. in Menglung Lai. »Preschoolers' Understanding of the Ad-
dition–Subtraction Inverse Principle: A Taiwanese Sample.« Mathemati-
cal Thinking and Learning 9, št. 2 (2007): 131–171.
Bezgovšek Vodušek, Helena. Kontekstualizacija pri pouku matematike v niž-
jih razredih osnovne šole: magistrsko delo. Maribor: Pedagoška fakulte-
ta, 2009.
Boaler, Jo. »When do girls prefer football to fashion? An analysis of female
underachievement in relation to ‘realistic’ mathematic contexts.« British
Educational Research Journal 20, št. 5 (1994): 551–564.
Bonotto, Cinzia. »Artifacts as sources for problem-posing activities.« Educati-
onal Studies in Mathematics 83, št. 1 (2013): 37–55.
Carpenter, Thomas P., Elizabeth Fennema in Megan L. Franke. »Cognitively
guided instruction: A knowledge base for reform in primary mathematics
instruction.« The Elementary School Journal 97, št. 1 (1996): 3–20.
Chapman, Olive. »Classroom practices for context of mathematics word pro-
blems.« Educational Studies in Mathematics 62, št. 2 (2006): 211–230.
Contreras, J. N., and A. M. Martinez-Cruz. »An investigation of preservice ele-
mentary teachers' solution processes to problematic story problems invol-
ving division of fractions and their interpretations of solutions.« Procee-
dings of the PME Conference 2, (2001): 289–296.
Degrande, Tine, Lieven Verschaffel in Wim Van Dooren. »Beyond additive
and multiplicative reasoning abilities: how preference enters the picture.«
European Journal of Psychology of Education (2017): 1–18.
Ding, Meixia. »Opportunities to Learn: Inverse Relations in US and Chinese
Textbooks.« Mathematical Thinking and Learning 18, št. 1 (2016): 45–68.
Dooren, Wim Van, Dirk De Bock in Lieven Verschaffel. »From addition to
multiplication… and back: The development of students’ additive and
multiplicative reasoning skills.« Cognition and Instruction 28, št. 3 (2010):
Dowker, Ann. »Young children's use of derived fact strategies for addition and
subtraction.« Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, (2014): 924.
Alibali, Martha W., Ana C. Stephens, Alayna N. Brown, Yvonne S. Kao in Mi-
tchell J. Nathan. »Middle School Students' Conceptual Understanding of
Equations: Evidence from Writing Story Problems.« International Journal
of Educational Psychology 3, št. 3 (2014): 235–264.
Baroody, Arthur J. in Menglung Lai. »Preschoolers' Understanding of the Ad-
dition–Subtraction Inverse Principle: A Taiwanese Sample.« Mathemati-
cal Thinking and Learning 9, št. 2 (2007): 131–171.
Bezgovšek Vodušek, Helena. Kontekstualizacija pri pouku matematike v niž-
jih razredih osnovne šole: magistrsko delo. Maribor: Pedagoška fakulte-
ta, 2009.
Boaler, Jo. »When do girls prefer football to fashion? An analysis of female
underachievement in relation to ‘realistic’ mathematic contexts.« British
Educational Research Journal 20, št. 5 (1994): 551–564.
Bonotto, Cinzia. »Artifacts as sources for problem-posing activities.« Educati-
onal Studies in Mathematics 83, št. 1 (2013): 37–55.
Carpenter, Thomas P., Elizabeth Fennema in Megan L. Franke. »Cognitively
guided instruction: A knowledge base for reform in primary mathematics
instruction.« The Elementary School Journal 97, št. 1 (1996): 3–20.
Chapman, Olive. »Classroom practices for context of mathematics word pro-
blems.« Educational Studies in Mathematics 62, št. 2 (2006): 211–230.
Contreras, J. N., and A. M. Martinez-Cruz. »An investigation of preservice ele-
mentary teachers' solution processes to problematic story problems invol-
ving division of fractions and their interpretations of solutions.« Procee-
dings of the PME Conference 2, (2001): 289–296.
Degrande, Tine, Lieven Verschaffel in Wim Van Dooren. »Beyond additive
and multiplicative reasoning abilities: how preference enters the picture.«
European Journal of Psychology of Education (2017): 1–18.
Ding, Meixia. »Opportunities to Learn: Inverse Relations in US and Chinese
Textbooks.« Mathematical Thinking and Learning 18, št. 1 (2016): 45–68.
Dooren, Wim Van, Dirk De Bock in Lieven Verschaffel. »From addition to
multiplication… and back: The development of students’ additive and
multiplicative reasoning skills.« Cognition and Instruction 28, št. 3 (2010):
Dowker, Ann. »Young children's use of derived fact strategies for addition and
subtraction.« Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, (2014): 924.