Page 105 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2017. Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 12
P. 105
den, D. (2012). Neuroscience reading initiative. Najdeno dne 25. avgusta 105
2012 na spletnem naslovu
Magajna, L., Kavkler, M., Čačinovič Vogrinčič, G., Pečjak, S. in Bregar Golobič,
K. (2008). Učne težave v osnovni šoli: koncept dela. Ljubljana: Zavod RS za
Marks, A., in Burden, B. (2005). How useful are computerised screening systems
for predicting subsequent learning difficulties in young children? An ex-
ploration of the strenghts and weaknesses of the cognitive profiling sys-
tem (COPS). Educational psychology in practice, 21(4), 327–342.
Melby-Lervag, M., HalaasLyster, S. A. in Hulme, C. (2012). Phonological skills and
their role in learning to read: Ameta-analytic review. Psychological Bulletin,
138(2), 322–352.
PAC-SI (Provedi Abilita Cognitive per la Scuola dell’Infanzia). Najdeno 15. febru-
arja 2012 na spletnem naslovu
Pan, J., McBride-Chang, C., Shu, H., Liu, H. Zhang, Y. in Li, H. (2011). What is the
naming? A 5 year longitudinal study of early rapid naming and phonolog-
ical sensitivity in relation to subsequent reading skills in both native chi-
nese and english as a second language. Journal of educational psychology,
103(4), 897–908.
Pears, C. K., Heywood, C. V., Kim, H. K. in Fisher, P. A. (2011). Prereading deficit in
children in foster care. School Psychology Review, 40(1), 140–148.
Pečjak, S. (1996). Kako do boljšega branja. Tehnike in metode za izboljšanje bralne
učinkovitosti. Ljubljana: Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo in šport.
Pečjak, S. (2010). Osnove bralne pismenosti. Od teorije k praksi. Ljubljana: Znan-
stveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani.
Singleton, C. H., Thomas, K. V. in Leedale, R. C. (2003). Lucid COPS. Cognitive pro-
filing system. Teachers manual. Third edition. Beverley: Lucid Research Ltd.
Smith, L. S., Scott, K. A., Roberts, J. in Locke, J. L. (2008). Disabled Readers’ Per-
formance on Tasks of Phonological Processing, Rapid Naming, and Letter
Knowledge Before and After Kindergarten. Learning Disabilities Research in
Practice, 23(3), 113–124.
Sousa, D. A. (2007). How the special needs brain learns (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks,
CA: Corwin Press.
Tilanus, A. T., Segers, E. in Verhoven, L. (2013). Diagnostic profiles of children
with developmental dyslexia in transparent orthography. Research in De-
velopmental Disabilities, 34, 4194–4202
Walcott, C. M., Scheemaker, A. in Bielski, K. (2010). A longitudinal investigation
of inattention and preliteracy development. Journal of attention disorders,
14(1), 79–85.
zgodnje odkrivanje težav na področju branja
2012 na spletnem naslovu
Magajna, L., Kavkler, M., Čačinovič Vogrinčič, G., Pečjak, S. in Bregar Golobič,
K. (2008). Učne težave v osnovni šoli: koncept dela. Ljubljana: Zavod RS za
Marks, A., in Burden, B. (2005). How useful are computerised screening systems
for predicting subsequent learning difficulties in young children? An ex-
ploration of the strenghts and weaknesses of the cognitive profiling sys-
tem (COPS). Educational psychology in practice, 21(4), 327–342.
Melby-Lervag, M., HalaasLyster, S. A. in Hulme, C. (2012). Phonological skills and
their role in learning to read: Ameta-analytic review. Psychological Bulletin,
138(2), 322–352.
PAC-SI (Provedi Abilita Cognitive per la Scuola dell’Infanzia). Najdeno 15. febru-
arja 2012 na spletnem naslovu
Pan, J., McBride-Chang, C., Shu, H., Liu, H. Zhang, Y. in Li, H. (2011). What is the
naming? A 5 year longitudinal study of early rapid naming and phonolog-
ical sensitivity in relation to subsequent reading skills in both native chi-
nese and english as a second language. Journal of educational psychology,
103(4), 897–908.
Pears, C. K., Heywood, C. V., Kim, H. K. in Fisher, P. A. (2011). Prereading deficit in
children in foster care. School Psychology Review, 40(1), 140–148.
Pečjak, S. (1996). Kako do boljšega branja. Tehnike in metode za izboljšanje bralne
učinkovitosti. Ljubljana: Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo in šport.
Pečjak, S. (2010). Osnove bralne pismenosti. Od teorije k praksi. Ljubljana: Znan-
stveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani.
Singleton, C. H., Thomas, K. V. in Leedale, R. C. (2003). Lucid COPS. Cognitive pro-
filing system. Teachers manual. Third edition. Beverley: Lucid Research Ltd.
Smith, L. S., Scott, K. A., Roberts, J. in Locke, J. L. (2008). Disabled Readers’ Per-
formance on Tasks of Phonological Processing, Rapid Naming, and Letter
Knowledge Before and After Kindergarten. Learning Disabilities Research in
Practice, 23(3), 113–124.
Sousa, D. A. (2007). How the special needs brain learns (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks,
CA: Corwin Press.
Tilanus, A. T., Segers, E. in Verhoven, L. (2013). Diagnostic profiles of children
with developmental dyslexia in transparent orthography. Research in De-
velopmental Disabilities, 34, 4194–4202
Walcott, C. M., Scheemaker, A. in Bielski, K. (2010). A longitudinal investigation
of inattention and preliteracy development. Journal of attention disorders,
14(1), 79–85.
zgodnje odkrivanje težav na področju branja