Page 272 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2017. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 31
P. 272
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju danes

teh študentov glede izpolnitve njihovih pričakovanj. V okviru podrobne
analize predstavljamo razlike med rezultati študentov Fakultete za nara-
voslovje in matematiko, Filozofske fakultete in Pedagoške fakultete Uni-
verze v Mariboru, študentov enopredmetnega in dvopredmetnega študija
ter študentov nejezikovne, jezikovne in nejezikovne/jezikovne usmeritve.
Utemeljitve študentov glede izpolnitve njihovih pričakovanj smo združili
v devet kategorij, pri čemer v prispevku dajemo poudarek najštevilčnejšim
kategorijam za posamezno stopnjo izpolnitve pričakovanj (v celoti izpol-
njena, delno izpolnjena, niso izpolnjena). Rezultati nas opozarjajo, da so se
le dobri polovici anketiranih študentov pričakovanja glede poteka praktič-
nega usposabljanja v celoti izpolnila, preostalim pa le delno oz. se niso iz-
polnila. Posebej izpostavljamo utemeljitve anketiranih študentov, katerih
pričakovanja so le delno izpolnjena oz. neizpolnjena; omenjene utemeljitve
se v največji meri navezujejo na obdobje trajanja praktičnega pedagoškega
usposabljanja ter na sodelovanje z mentorjem in drugimi strokovnimi de-
Ključne besede: praktično pedagoško usposabljanje, študentje, pričakova-

Meeting students’ expectations about the practical
pedagogical training
During practical pedagogical training the students observe the work of
their mentor and other teaching staff, furthermore, they are more or less
involved in the work inside and outside the classroom. Considering the
varying knowledge and experience of students from different pedagogical
studies, there are also differences in the students’ expectations before the
training as well as in the fulfilment of those expectations after the practi-
cal pedagogical training. This paper presents the results of a survey among
students of second cycle pedagogical study programmes at the faculties of
University of Maribor. The survey aimed to determine the extent to which
the students’ expectations on the entire course of practical pedagogical
training have been met and, also, what are their reasons regarding the ful-
filment of these expectations. Within the detailed result analysis we pres-
ent the differences between the students of the Faculty of Natural Scienc-
es and Mathematics, Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Education, students
of single-major and double-major study programmes, students of non-lin-
guistic, language and non-linguistic/language studies. The students’ rea-
sons on evaluating the fulfilment of expectations were merged into nine
categories. In this paper we focus on the most frequent categories for each

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