Page 274 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2017. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 31
P. 274
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju danes

when they are given instructions to represent a given fraction expression (
with a drawing. We used a combination of qualitative and quan-

titative methodology of pedagogical research. The results show that the
participants show the required operation with adequate fraction in a rela-
tively low proportion (57 %), while the proportion of drawings, which actu-
ally show the correct result is even lower (32,5 %). Differences between the
groups of participants show that the ratio of the adequacy is increasing ver-
tically upwards. The drawings of the participants made it possible to estab-
lish the link between the drawings and the types of knowledge (procedur-
al and conceptual). All three groups of participants (students, high school
students and future teachers) expressed a conceptual type of mathemati-
cal knowledge through a drawing in a similarly low proportion (about 16
%). We have also found out that the procedural type of knowledge of all
participants is represented in much higher proportion (from 60 % to 80
%). Additionally results show that the conceptual type of knowledge is as-
sociated with the correctness of a specified result in a higher degree than
the procedural type of knowledge. Considering these findings, we conclude
that drawings could be a good indicator of pupils understanding of ration-
al numbers and also that the teaching fractions should be researched more
Key words: mathematics, understanding, knowledge, fractions, drawings.

Ana Mlekuž
Dejavniki finančne pismenosti med slovenskimi
petnajstletnicami in petnajstletniki, vključenimi
v mednarodno raziskavo PISA 2012
Dandanes gospodarske razmere posameznike silijo k velikemu številu
kompleksnih finančnih odločitev, zato za uspešno delovanje na tem podro-
čju potrebujejo neko osnovno znanje ekonomije ter poznavanje delovanja
gospodarstva in finančnih institucij. Posamezniki morajo biti vsaj malo fi-
nančno pismeni. Finančno pismenost razumemo kot kombinacijo zaveda-
nja, znanja, veščin, stališč in vedenj, ki je potrebna za pravilne finančne od-
ločitve in doseganje finančnega blagostanja (Atkinson in Messy, 2012). Žal
pa raziskave kažejo, da je finančna pismenost nizka, kar posledično pome-
ni, da posamezniki z nizko stopnjo finančne pismenosti ne razumejo fi-
nančnih storitev, ki jih imajo na voljo, in se velikokrat tudi napačno odloča-
jo, kar še poslabša njihov finančni položaj. In seveda obratno, posamezniki

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