Page 271 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2017. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 31
P. 271

and decision-oriented research). Regarding the fact that teachers are cen-
tral in introducing real changes, it is very important to pay attention to
the role they usually perform in research. In prevailing educational re-
search, teachers are usually only providers of data, by answering question-
naires with numerous (mainly closed) questions; sometimes they carry out
prescribed teaching procdures (like in educational experiments). Further,
teachers are expected to improve their teaching practice by reading and
taking into account the results of educational research performed by re-
searchers. But very rarely they are being treated as partners in action re-
search (with the purpose to improve rationality and justice of their prac-
tice, to better understand of this practice and also top influence the context
in which it is taking place. Why is action research of this type, performed,
in close cooperation between researchers, teachers and other profession-
als (critical friends) nearly non-existent in our environment? Is it because
it is quite demanding and there is not enough good training in universities
and elsewhere? Or because it is in conflict with the dominant research par-
adigm with one-sided stress on objectivity, quantification, generalisability
and replicability of results? Or because it requires changes in distribution
of power among teachers, researchers and policy makers? In the contribu-
tion, main characteristics and variations of action research and teachers’
role are presented, together with some examples, dilemmas and incen-
tives for the future.
Key words: Teachers’ action research, relationship of theory and practice,
teachers’ role in research, change of research paradigm

Danijela Rus in Milena Ivanuš Grmek
Izpolnitev pričakovanj študentov glede poteka praktičnega
pedagoškega usposabljanja
V času praktičnega pedagoškega usposabljanja študentje opazujejo delo
mentorja in drugih pedagoških delavcev ter se bolj ali manj vključujejo v
delo v razredu in izven njega. Glede na to, da imajo študentje različnih pe-
dagoških študijskih programov različno predznanje in izkušnje, so različna
tudi njihova pričakovanja pred pričetkom praktičnega pedagoškega uspo-
sabljanja od izpolnitve pričakovanj študentov po koncu usposabljanja. V
prispevku predstavljamo rezultate raziskave, s katero smo želeli ugotoviti,
v kolikšni meri so se študentom pedagoških študijskih smeri druge stopnje
na fakultetah Univerze v Mariboru izpolnila pričakovanja glede celotne-
ga poteka praktičnega pedagoškega usposabljanja ter kakšne so utemeljitve

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