Page 267 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2017. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 31
P. 267

cev pozitivnih sprememb v družbi tudi izven posebej na to osredotočenih
evropskih projektov (Googins in Rochlin, 2000).
Ključne besede: multiprofesionalno sodelovanje, zgodnje opuščanje izobra-
ževanja, evropski strateški cilji

The challenges of multiprofessional cooperation
in addressing early school leaving
The paper presents the potentials of multi-professional collaboration in
tackling early school leaving as highlighted in policy documents of EU
institutions. Thorough in depth review of (several, but diverse) scientif-
ic backgrounds article finds out that implementation of multi-profession-
al collaboration in practice is rather difficult task. Its success depends on
various interrelated factors in the initial phase (initial conditions), imple-
mentation phase (team functioning at the micro level, processes, emergent
states), and monitoring and evaluation phase (results, accountability) of
multi-professional collaboration (e.g. Hood idr., 1993; Bryson idr., 2006).
Taking into consideration the principles of evidence-based education
two concrete approaches for coping with challenges of multi-profession-
al cooperation, formed in international project TITA (Team cooperation to
fight early school leaving (ESL): Training, Innovative Tools and Actions),
are presented in the article: Briefs for practitioners and Innovative online
trainings of multi-professional teams. These two approaches enable expert
and systemic empowerment of practitioners with basic knowledge, specif-
ic skills and positive attitudes towards multi-professional collaboration in
tackling early school leaving. The paper concludes that successful imple-
mentation of multi-professional collaboration in practice requires that (1)
it is scientifically and systemically supported at all levels (school, local, re-
gional, national) (European Parliament, 2011), (2) members of multi-pro-
fessional teams are adequately trained (Salas idr., 2008), (3) changes are in-
crementally introduced and culture of mutual collaboration well developed
at all levels (Benson, 2011). The main challenge remains, how to move be-
yond the (European) discourse of multi-professional collaboration only as
potential and actually achieve a clear understanding and realization of the
potential of multi-professional collaboration as a vehicle of productive so-
cial change (Googins and Rochlin, 2000).
Key words: multiprofessional collaboration, early school leaving, Europe-
an strategic objectives

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