Page 263 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju danes. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2017. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 31
P. 263

Ethical evaluation of research at universities: European
project SATORI
The article presents the findings of SATORI (Stakeholders Acting Togeth-
er On the ethical impact assessment of Research and Innovation), a pro-
ject funded by the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme.
The project comprises 17 partners from 12 countries, including the Re-
search Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The aim of
the project is to develop a common European framework of principles and
methods for ethics assessment of research and innovation. In its first phase,
SATORI analysed the practices of ethics assessment in different types of in-
stitutions, 12 European and other countries and in various scientific fields
and disciplines. In its second phase, SATORI is developing and testing a
new Ethics Assessment Framework, applicable to different scientific fields
and usable within various types of institutions. The article focuses on the
findings and recommendations related to ethics assessment at universities.
More and more universities around Europe are establishing ethics offices
with the aim of advising researchers and students on project applications
to external ethics committees, organising research ethics training, etc. Eth-
ics committees at universities often assess those research projects that do
not require an external review, e. g. in social sciences and humanities. Eth-
ics offices and committees are often faced with reluctance of researchers to
cooperate, since many perceive ethics assessment merely as an additional
administrative burden. Another challenge is acknowledging the differenc-
es between fields and disciplines.
Key words: research ethics, integrity, university, ethics committee

Ana Mladenović
»Pridne in pametni«: analiza popularnih diskurzov
o izobraževalnih dosežkih učenk in učencev
Na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja sta v zadnjem času opazna dva tren-
da. Prvi je posledica neoliberalnih posegov v edukacijo in je med drugim
povezan z izrazitim osredotočanjem na merjenje dosežkov, rezultatov ter
točk na mednarodnih standardiziranih primerjavah znanja. Drugi, ki ga
deloma lahko pojasnimo skozi postfeministični družbeni duh, pa se veže
na vprašanja spolne (ne)enakosti v izobraževalnih dosežkih, pri čemer ga
zaznamujejo predvsem skrbi glede neuspeha fantov. Uspeh deklet na med-
narodnih primerjavah znanja namreč mnogi razumejo kot dokaz doseže-
ne (in presežene) enakosti med spoloma v izobraževanju. V takšnem druž-

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