Page 160 - Sergej Flere (ur.), Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 9
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Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?
Horne, R., The Performance of Males and Females in School and Tertia-
ry Education, Australian Quarterly:Journal of Contemporary Analysis
(2000), št. 5/6.
Horowitz, I. L., The moral economy of meritocracy: The unanticipated
triumph of reform and the failure of revolution in the West, Political
Quarterly (2006), št. 1.
Hout, M., More Universalism, Less Structural Mobility: The American
Occupational Structure in the 1980‘s, American Journal of Sociology
(1988), št. 1.
Huebner, A. J., Betts, S. C., Exploring the Utility of Social Control Theory
for Youth Development: Issues of Attachment, Involvement, and Gen-
der, Youth & Society (2002), št. 2.
Hutchison, D., A Critical Evaluation of »Raising Boys‘ Attainment«,
Educational Psychology in Practice (2004), št. 1.
Ishida, H., Müller, W., Ridge, J. M., Class Origin, Class Destination and
Education: A Cross-National Study of Ten Industrial Nations, Ameri-
can Journal of Sociology (1995), št. 1.
Jackson, M., Erikson, R., Goldthorpe, J. H., Yaish, M., Primary and Secon-
dary Effects in Class Differentials in Educational Attainment, Acta So-
ciologica (2007), št. 3.
Jacobs, J. E., Vernon, M. K., Eccles, J. S., Relations between social self-per-
ceptions, time use, and prosocial or problem behaviors during adole-
scence, Journal of Adolescent Research (2004), št. 1.
Jaeger, M. M., Holm, A., Does parents‘ economic, cultural and social capi-
tal explain the social class effect on educational attainment in the Scan-
dinavian mobility regime?, Social Science Research (2007), št. 2.
James, W., Principles of psychology, Holt, New York 1890.
Jencks, C., Inequality: A reassessment of the effect of family and schooling,
Basic Books, New York 1972.
Jencks, C., Who gets ahead? The determinants of economic success in Ameri-
ca, Basic Books, New York 1979.
Jensen, B., Seltzer, A., Neighbourhood and Family Effects in Educational
Progress, The Australian Economic Review (2000), št. 1.
Jessor, R., Jessor, S., Problem behavior and psychological development, Aca-
demic Press, New York 1977.
Horne, R., The Performance of Males and Females in School and Tertia-
ry Education, Australian Quarterly:Journal of Contemporary Analysis
(2000), št. 5/6.
Horowitz, I. L., The moral economy of meritocracy: The unanticipated
triumph of reform and the failure of revolution in the West, Political
Quarterly (2006), št. 1.
Hout, M., More Universalism, Less Structural Mobility: The American
Occupational Structure in the 1980‘s, American Journal of Sociology
(1988), št. 1.
Huebner, A. J., Betts, S. C., Exploring the Utility of Social Control Theory
for Youth Development: Issues of Attachment, Involvement, and Gen-
der, Youth & Society (2002), št. 2.
Hutchison, D., A Critical Evaluation of »Raising Boys‘ Attainment«,
Educational Psychology in Practice (2004), št. 1.
Ishida, H., Müller, W., Ridge, J. M., Class Origin, Class Destination and
Education: A Cross-National Study of Ten Industrial Nations, Ameri-
can Journal of Sociology (1995), št. 1.
Jackson, M., Erikson, R., Goldthorpe, J. H., Yaish, M., Primary and Secon-
dary Effects in Class Differentials in Educational Attainment, Acta So-
ciologica (2007), št. 3.
Jacobs, J. E., Vernon, M. K., Eccles, J. S., Relations between social self-per-
ceptions, time use, and prosocial or problem behaviors during adole-
scence, Journal of Adolescent Research (2004), št. 1.
Jaeger, M. M., Holm, A., Does parents‘ economic, cultural and social capi-
tal explain the social class effect on educational attainment in the Scan-
dinavian mobility regime?, Social Science Research (2007), št. 2.
James, W., Principles of psychology, Holt, New York 1890.
Jencks, C., Inequality: A reassessment of the effect of family and schooling,
Basic Books, New York 1972.
Jencks, C., Who gets ahead? The determinants of economic success in Ameri-
ca, Basic Books, New York 1979.
Jensen, B., Seltzer, A., Neighbourhood and Family Effects in Educational
Progress, The Australian Economic Review (2000), št. 1.
Jessor, R., Jessor, S., Problem behavior and psychological development, Aca-
demic Press, New York 1977.