Page 163 - Sergej Flere (ur.), Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 9
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Lawy, R., Bloomer, M., Identity and learning as a lifelong project: situating
vocational education and work, Internatonal journal of lifelong educa-
tion (2003), št. 1.
Leary, M. R., Social Anxiety, Shyness, and Related Constructs, v: J. P. Ro-
binson, P. R. Shaver, L. S. Wrightsman (ur.), Measures of Personality
and Social Psychological Attitudes, Academic Press, London 1991.
Leventhal, T., Brooks-Gunn, J., The neighborhoods they live in: The ef-
fects of neighborhood residence on child and adolescent outcomes,
Psychological Bulletin (2000), št. 1.
Lewis, O., The culture of poverty, Scientific American (1966), št. 1.
Linley, P. A., Joseph, S., Goodfellow, B., Positive changes in outlook follo-
wing trauma and their relationship to subsequent posttraumatic stress,
depression, and anxiety, Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology (2008),
št. 8.
Lisella, L. C., Serwatka, T. S., Extracurricular Participation and Acade-
mic Achievement in Minority Students in Urban Schools, Urban Re-
view (1996), št. 1.
Lister, D., Ansalone, G., Utilizing Modality Theory to Achieve Academic
Success, Educational Research Quaterly (2006), št. 2.
Lloyd, D. N., Prediction of school failure from third grade data, Educatio-
nal and Psychological Measurement (1978), št. 4.
Long, M. P., Carpenter, P., Hayden, M., Participation in Education and
Training 1980-1994, LSAY Research Report No. 13., Australian Coun-
cil for Educational Research, Camberwell 1999.
Lopez, D., Social cognitive influences on self-regulated learning: The im-
pact of action-control beliefs and academic goals on achievement-rela-
ted outcomes, Learning and Individual Differences (1999), št. 3.
Luster, T., McAdo, H., Family and Child Influences on Educational At-
tainment: A Secondary Analysis of the High/Scope Perry Preschool
Data, Developmental Psychology (1996), št. 1.
Luthar, S. S., Social competence in the school setting: Prospective cross-
domain associations among inner-city, Child Development (1995), št. 2.
Luthar, S. S., Blatt, S. J., Differential Vulnerability of Dependency and
Self-Criticism Among Disadvantaged Teenagers, Journal of Research
on Adolescence (1995), št. 4.
Mackintosh, N. J., IQ and human intelligence, Blackwell, Oxford 1998.
Lawy, R., Bloomer, M., Identity and learning as a lifelong project: situating
vocational education and work, Internatonal journal of lifelong educa-
tion (2003), št. 1.
Leary, M. R., Social Anxiety, Shyness, and Related Constructs, v: J. P. Ro-
binson, P. R. Shaver, L. S. Wrightsman (ur.), Measures of Personality
and Social Psychological Attitudes, Academic Press, London 1991.
Leventhal, T., Brooks-Gunn, J., The neighborhoods they live in: The ef-
fects of neighborhood residence on child and adolescent outcomes,
Psychological Bulletin (2000), št. 1.
Lewis, O., The culture of poverty, Scientific American (1966), št. 1.
Linley, P. A., Joseph, S., Goodfellow, B., Positive changes in outlook follo-
wing trauma and their relationship to subsequent posttraumatic stress,
depression, and anxiety, Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology (2008),
št. 8.
Lisella, L. C., Serwatka, T. S., Extracurricular Participation and Acade-
mic Achievement in Minority Students in Urban Schools, Urban Re-
view (1996), št. 1.
Lister, D., Ansalone, G., Utilizing Modality Theory to Achieve Academic
Success, Educational Research Quaterly (2006), št. 2.
Lloyd, D. N., Prediction of school failure from third grade data, Educatio-
nal and Psychological Measurement (1978), št. 4.
Long, M. P., Carpenter, P., Hayden, M., Participation in Education and
Training 1980-1994, LSAY Research Report No. 13., Australian Coun-
cil for Educational Research, Camberwell 1999.
Lopez, D., Social cognitive influences on self-regulated learning: The im-
pact of action-control beliefs and academic goals on achievement-rela-
ted outcomes, Learning and Individual Differences (1999), št. 3.
Luster, T., McAdo, H., Family and Child Influences on Educational At-
tainment: A Secondary Analysis of the High/Scope Perry Preschool
Data, Developmental Psychology (1996), št. 1.
Luthar, S. S., Social competence in the school setting: Prospective cross-
domain associations among inner-city, Child Development (1995), št. 2.
Luthar, S. S., Blatt, S. J., Differential Vulnerability of Dependency and
Self-Criticism Among Disadvantaged Teenagers, Journal of Research
on Adolescence (1995), št. 4.
Mackintosh, N. J., IQ and human intelligence, Blackwell, Oxford 1998.