Page 158 - Sergej Flere (ur.), Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 9
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Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?
Catholic University of America, United States., District of Columbia.
Gerard, J. M., Buehler, C., Cumulative environmental risk and youth ma-
ladjustment: the role of youth attributes, Child Development (2004),
št. 6.
Gerber, S. B., Extracurricular Activities and Academic Achievement, Jour-
nal of Research and Development in Education (1996), št. 1.
Gilman, R., Meyers, J., Perez, L., Structured extracurricular activities
among adolescents: Findings and implications for school psychologi-
sts, Psychology in the Schools (2004), št. 1.
Goldberg, L. R., An alternative »description of personality«: The Big-Fi-
ve factor structure, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (1990),
št. 1.
Goldberg, L. R., The development of markers for the Big-Five factor struc-
ture, Psychological Assessment (1992), št. 4.
Goldthorpe, J. H., Class Analysis and the Reorientation of Class Theory:
The Case of Persisting Differentials in Educational Attainment, Briti-
sh Journal of Sociology (1996), št. 1.
Gottfredson, G. D., Gottfredson, D. C., Victimization in Schools, Plenum,
New York 1985.
Gottfredson, L. S., The General Intelligence Factor, Scientific American
(1998), št. 4.
Gottfredson, M., Hirschi, T., A General Theory of Crime, Stanford Univer-
sity Press, Stanford 1990.
Graetz, B., Socioeconomic Status in Education Research and Policy, v: J.
Ainley, B. Graetz, M. Long, M. Batten (ur.), Socioeconomic Status and
School Education, DEET/ACER, Canberra 1995.
Grover, R. L., Ginsburg, G. S., Ialongo, N., Psychosocial outcomes of anxi-
ous first graders: a seven-year follow-up, Depression & Anxiety (1091-
4269) (2007), št. 1.
Grusky, D. B., Social stratification: class, race, and gender in sociological per-
spective, Westview Press, Boulder 2001.
Habe, K., Izvajalska anksioznost pri glasbenikih, Psihološka obzorja
(1998), št. 3.
Hagstrom, W. O., Anomy in scientific communities, Social Problems
(1964), št. 2.
Catholic University of America, United States., District of Columbia.
Gerard, J. M., Buehler, C., Cumulative environmental risk and youth ma-
ladjustment: the role of youth attributes, Child Development (2004),
št. 6.
Gerber, S. B., Extracurricular Activities and Academic Achievement, Jour-
nal of Research and Development in Education (1996), št. 1.
Gilman, R., Meyers, J., Perez, L., Structured extracurricular activities
among adolescents: Findings and implications for school psychologi-
sts, Psychology in the Schools (2004), št. 1.
Goldberg, L. R., An alternative »description of personality«: The Big-Fi-
ve factor structure, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (1990),
št. 1.
Goldberg, L. R., The development of markers for the Big-Five factor struc-
ture, Psychological Assessment (1992), št. 4.
Goldthorpe, J. H., Class Analysis and the Reorientation of Class Theory:
The Case of Persisting Differentials in Educational Attainment, Briti-
sh Journal of Sociology (1996), št. 1.
Gottfredson, G. D., Gottfredson, D. C., Victimization in Schools, Plenum,
New York 1985.
Gottfredson, L. S., The General Intelligence Factor, Scientific American
(1998), št. 4.
Gottfredson, M., Hirschi, T., A General Theory of Crime, Stanford Univer-
sity Press, Stanford 1990.
Graetz, B., Socioeconomic Status in Education Research and Policy, v: J.
Ainley, B. Graetz, M. Long, M. Batten (ur.), Socioeconomic Status and
School Education, DEET/ACER, Canberra 1995.
Grover, R. L., Ginsburg, G. S., Ialongo, N., Psychosocial outcomes of anxi-
ous first graders: a seven-year follow-up, Depression & Anxiety (1091-
4269) (2007), št. 1.
Grusky, D. B., Social stratification: class, race, and gender in sociological per-
spective, Westview Press, Boulder 2001.
Habe, K., Izvajalska anksioznost pri glasbenikih, Psihološka obzorja
(1998), št. 3.
Hagstrom, W. O., Anomy in scientific communities, Social Problems
(1964), št. 2.