Page 157 - Sergej Flere (ur.), Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 9
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Finn, J., School engagement and students at risk (NCES 93470), U.S. De-
partment of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Wa-
shington, DC 1993.
Firestone, W. A., Beyond Order and Expectations in High Schools Serving
At-Risk Youth, Educational Leadership (1989), št. 5.
Fisher, P. H., Masia-Warner, C., Klein, R. G., Skills for Social and Acade-
mic Success: A School-Based Intervention for Social Anxiety Disorder
in Adolescents, Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review (2004),
št. 4.
Fisher, S., Race, Class, Anomie, and Academic Achievement: A Study at
the High School Level, Urban Education (1981), št. 2.
Flere, S., Klanjšek, R., Musil, B., Tavčar Krajnc, M., Kirbiš, A., Naterer, A.,
Dejavniki šolske uspešnosti v poklicnem izobraževanju: poročilo o rezul-
tatih raziskave, Pedagoški inštitut, Ljubljana 2008.
Flere, S., Lavrič, M., Social inequalities in Slovenian higher education, In-
ternational Studies in Sociology of Education (2003), št. 3.
Flere, S., Lavrič, M., Social inequity and educational expansion in Slove-
nia, Educational Studies (2005), št. 4.
Flores-González, N., The structuring of extracurricular opportunities and
Latino student retention, Jornal of poverty (2000), št. 1/2.
Forsterling, F., Binser, M. J., Depression, School Performance and the Ve-
ridicality of Perceived Grades and Causal Attributions, Personality and
Social Psychology Bulletin (2002), št. 10.
Fredricks, J., Eccles, J., Participation in Extracurricular Activities in the
Middle School Years: Are There Developmental Benefits for African
American and European American Youth?, Journal of Youth and Ado-
lescence (2008), št. 9.
Freud, S., Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety, Hogarth, London 1926/1961.
Furnham, A., Mitchell, J., Personality, needs, social skills and academic
achievement: A longitudinal study, Personality and Individual Diffe-
rences (1991), št. 10.
Gamble, W. C., Jeong Jin, Y., Adolescent Siblings‘ Looking Glass Self-Ori-
entations: Patterns of Liabilities and Associations with Parenting, Jo-
urnal of Youth & Adolescence (2008), št. 7.
Gamse-Shapiro, S., Independence/interdependence, social anxiety, and ad-
justment to college: A longitudinal analysis. Ph.D. dissertation., The
Finn, J., School engagement and students at risk (NCES 93470), U.S. De-
partment of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Wa-
shington, DC 1993.
Firestone, W. A., Beyond Order and Expectations in High Schools Serving
At-Risk Youth, Educational Leadership (1989), št. 5.
Fisher, P. H., Masia-Warner, C., Klein, R. G., Skills for Social and Acade-
mic Success: A School-Based Intervention for Social Anxiety Disorder
in Adolescents, Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review (2004),
št. 4.
Fisher, S., Race, Class, Anomie, and Academic Achievement: A Study at
the High School Level, Urban Education (1981), št. 2.
Flere, S., Klanjšek, R., Musil, B., Tavčar Krajnc, M., Kirbiš, A., Naterer, A.,
Dejavniki šolske uspešnosti v poklicnem izobraževanju: poročilo o rezul-
tatih raziskave, Pedagoški inštitut, Ljubljana 2008.
Flere, S., Lavrič, M., Social inequalities in Slovenian higher education, In-
ternational Studies in Sociology of Education (2003), št. 3.
Flere, S., Lavrič, M., Social inequity and educational expansion in Slove-
nia, Educational Studies (2005), št. 4.
Flores-González, N., The structuring of extracurricular opportunities and
Latino student retention, Jornal of poverty (2000), št. 1/2.
Forsterling, F., Binser, M. J., Depression, School Performance and the Ve-
ridicality of Perceived Grades and Causal Attributions, Personality and
Social Psychology Bulletin (2002), št. 10.
Fredricks, J., Eccles, J., Participation in Extracurricular Activities in the
Middle School Years: Are There Developmental Benefits for African
American and European American Youth?, Journal of Youth and Ado-
lescence (2008), št. 9.
Freud, S., Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety, Hogarth, London 1926/1961.
Furnham, A., Mitchell, J., Personality, needs, social skills and academic
achievement: A longitudinal study, Personality and Individual Diffe-
rences (1991), št. 10.
Gamble, W. C., Jeong Jin, Y., Adolescent Siblings‘ Looking Glass Self-Ori-
entations: Patterns of Liabilities and Associations with Parenting, Jo-
urnal of Youth & Adolescence (2008), št. 7.
Gamse-Shapiro, S., Independence/interdependence, social anxiety, and ad-
justment to college: A longitudinal analysis. Ph.D. dissertation., The