Page 164 - Sergej Flere (ur.), Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 9
P. 164
Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?
Mahoney, J. L., School extracurricular activity participation as a mode-
rator in the development of antisocial patterns, Child Development
(2000), št. 1.
Mahoney, J. L., Cairns, R. B., Do extracurricular activities protect against
early school dropout?, Developmental Psychology (1997), št. 2.
Malmberg, L., Wanner, B., Sumra, S., Little, T. D., Action-control beliefs
and school experiences of Tanzanian primary school students, Journal
of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2001), št. 5.
Marañón, R. C., Pueyo, A. A., The study of human inteligence: a review at
the turn of the millennium, Psychology in Spain (2000), št. 1.
Marentič Požarnik, B., Psihologija učenja in pouka, DZS, Ljubljana 2003.
Marjanovič-Umek, L., Sočan, G., Bajc, K., Šolska ocena: koliko jo lahko
pojasnimo z individualnimi značilnostmi mladostnika in koliko z de-
javniki družinskega okolja, Psihološka obzorja (2006), št. 4.
Marjanovič-Umek, L., Sočan, G., Bajc, K., Vpliv psiholoških dejavnikov in
izobrazbe staršev na učno uspešnost mladostnikov, Psihološka obzor-
ja (2007), št. 3.
Marks, G., Fleming, N., Long, M., McMillan, J., Patterns of Participation
in Year 12 and Higher Education in Australia: Trends and Issues, LSAY
Research Report No. 17., Australian Council for Educational Research,
Camberwell 2000.
Marks, G. N., Cross-National Differences and Accounting for Social Class
Inequalities in Education, International Sociology (2005), št. 4.
Marks, H. M., Printy, S. M., Principal Leadership and School Performan-
ce, Educational Administration Quarterly (2003), št. 3.
Marsh, H. W., Extracurricular Activities: Beneficial Extension of the Tra-
ditional Curriculum or Subversion of Academic Goals?, Journal of
Educational Psychology (1992), št. 4.
Marx, K., Engels, F., The Communist Manifesto, W. W. Norton, London
Marx, K., Engels, F., Temeljna izdaja, Delavska enotnost, Ljubljana 1985.
McCann, S. J. H., Meen, K. S., Anxiety, Ability, and Academic Achieve-
ment, Journal of Social Psychology (1984), št. 1.
McClosky, H., Schaar, J. H., Psychological dimensions of anomy, Ameri-
can Socilogical Review (1965), št. 30.
Mahoney, J. L., School extracurricular activity participation as a mode-
rator in the development of antisocial patterns, Child Development
(2000), št. 1.
Mahoney, J. L., Cairns, R. B., Do extracurricular activities protect against
early school dropout?, Developmental Psychology (1997), št. 2.
Malmberg, L., Wanner, B., Sumra, S., Little, T. D., Action-control beliefs
and school experiences of Tanzanian primary school students, Journal
of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2001), št. 5.
Marañón, R. C., Pueyo, A. A., The study of human inteligence: a review at
the turn of the millennium, Psychology in Spain (2000), št. 1.
Marentič Požarnik, B., Psihologija učenja in pouka, DZS, Ljubljana 2003.
Marjanovič-Umek, L., Sočan, G., Bajc, K., Šolska ocena: koliko jo lahko
pojasnimo z individualnimi značilnostmi mladostnika in koliko z de-
javniki družinskega okolja, Psihološka obzorja (2006), št. 4.
Marjanovič-Umek, L., Sočan, G., Bajc, K., Vpliv psiholoških dejavnikov in
izobrazbe staršev na učno uspešnost mladostnikov, Psihološka obzor-
ja (2007), št. 3.
Marks, G., Fleming, N., Long, M., McMillan, J., Patterns of Participation
in Year 12 and Higher Education in Australia: Trends and Issues, LSAY
Research Report No. 17., Australian Council for Educational Research,
Camberwell 2000.
Marks, G. N., Cross-National Differences and Accounting for Social Class
Inequalities in Education, International Sociology (2005), št. 4.
Marks, H. M., Printy, S. M., Principal Leadership and School Performan-
ce, Educational Administration Quarterly (2003), št. 3.
Marsh, H. W., Extracurricular Activities: Beneficial Extension of the Tra-
ditional Curriculum or Subversion of Academic Goals?, Journal of
Educational Psychology (1992), št. 4.
Marx, K., Engels, F., The Communist Manifesto, W. W. Norton, London
Marx, K., Engels, F., Temeljna izdaja, Delavska enotnost, Ljubljana 1985.
McCann, S. J. H., Meen, K. S., Anxiety, Ability, and Academic Achieve-
ment, Journal of Social Psychology (1984), št. 1.
McClosky, H., Schaar, J. H., Psychological dimensions of anomy, Ameri-
can Socilogical Review (1965), št. 30.