Page 162 - Sergej Flere (ur.), Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 9
P. 162
Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?
Knight, G. P., Nelson, W., Kagan, S., Gumbinner, J., Acculturation of se-
cond- and third-generation Mexican-American children: field inde-
pendence, locus of control, self- esteem, and school achievement, Con-
temporary Educational Psychology (1982), št. 7.
Kobal, D., Temeljni vidiki samopodobe, Pedagoški inštitut, Ljubljana 2000.
Kolarska-Bobinska, L., Civil Society and Social Anomy in Poland, Acta
Sociologica (1990), št. 1.
Kos, D., Neurbana nacija, v: I. Čerpes, M. Dešman (ur.), O urbanizmu: Kaj
se dogaja s sodobnim mestom?, Krtina, Ljubljana 2007.
Kotchick, B. A., Forehand, R., Putting parenting in perspective: A discus-
sionof the contextual factors that shape parenting practices, Journal of
Child and Family Studies (2002), št. 11.
Kozar, J. M., Marcketti, S. B., Gregoire, M. B., How Textiles and Clothing
Students Spend Their Time and the Stressors They Reportedly Expe-
rience, Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal (2006), št. 1.
Krivosheyev, V., Anomy in Modern Russian Society, Social Sciences (2004),
št. 4.
Kruse, A., »...We Have Learnt Not Just to Sit Back, Twiddle Our Thumbs
and Let Them Take Over.« Single-Sex Settings and the Development
of a Pedagogy for Girls and a Pedagogy for Boys in Danish Schools,
Gender & Education (1992), št. 1/2.
Lamont, M., Lareau, A., Cultural capital: allusions, gaps, glissandos in re-
cent theoretical developments, Sociological Theory (1988), št. 6.
Lamovec, T., Psihodiagnostika osebnosti 2, Znanstveni inštitut FF, Ljublja-
na 1994.
Lareau, A., Weininger, E. B., Cultural capital in educational research: A
critical assessment, Theory and Society (2003), št. 5-6.
Lareau, A., Weininger, E. B., Cultural capital in educational research: A
critical assessment, Theory and Society (2003), št. 5-6.
Larson, R. W., Toward a psychology of positive youth development, Ame-
rican Psychologist (2000), št. 1.
Larson, R. W., Verma, S., How children and adolescents spend time across
the world? Work, play, and developmental opportunities, Psychological
Bulletin (1999), št. 6.
Lasch, C., The culture of narcissism: American life in an age of diminishing
expectations, W.W. Norton, New York 1991.
Knight, G. P., Nelson, W., Kagan, S., Gumbinner, J., Acculturation of se-
cond- and third-generation Mexican-American children: field inde-
pendence, locus of control, self- esteem, and school achievement, Con-
temporary Educational Psychology (1982), št. 7.
Kobal, D., Temeljni vidiki samopodobe, Pedagoški inštitut, Ljubljana 2000.
Kolarska-Bobinska, L., Civil Society and Social Anomy in Poland, Acta
Sociologica (1990), št. 1.
Kos, D., Neurbana nacija, v: I. Čerpes, M. Dešman (ur.), O urbanizmu: Kaj
se dogaja s sodobnim mestom?, Krtina, Ljubljana 2007.
Kotchick, B. A., Forehand, R., Putting parenting in perspective: A discus-
sionof the contextual factors that shape parenting practices, Journal of
Child and Family Studies (2002), št. 11.
Kozar, J. M., Marcketti, S. B., Gregoire, M. B., How Textiles and Clothing
Students Spend Their Time and the Stressors They Reportedly Expe-
rience, Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal (2006), št. 1.
Krivosheyev, V., Anomy in Modern Russian Society, Social Sciences (2004),
št. 4.
Kruse, A., »...We Have Learnt Not Just to Sit Back, Twiddle Our Thumbs
and Let Them Take Over.« Single-Sex Settings and the Development
of a Pedagogy for Girls and a Pedagogy for Boys in Danish Schools,
Gender & Education (1992), št. 1/2.
Lamont, M., Lareau, A., Cultural capital: allusions, gaps, glissandos in re-
cent theoretical developments, Sociological Theory (1988), št. 6.
Lamovec, T., Psihodiagnostika osebnosti 2, Znanstveni inštitut FF, Ljublja-
na 1994.
Lareau, A., Weininger, E. B., Cultural capital in educational research: A
critical assessment, Theory and Society (2003), št. 5-6.
Lareau, A., Weininger, E. B., Cultural capital in educational research: A
critical assessment, Theory and Society (2003), št. 5-6.
Larson, R. W., Toward a psychology of positive youth development, Ame-
rican Psychologist (2000), št. 1.
Larson, R. W., Verma, S., How children and adolescents spend time across
the world? Work, play, and developmental opportunities, Psychological
Bulletin (1999), št. 6.
Lasch, C., The culture of narcissism: American life in an age of diminishing
expectations, W.W. Norton, New York 1991.