Page 165 - Sergej Flere (ur.), Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 9
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McEwan, L., Goldenberg, D., Achievement motivation, anxiety and aca-
demic success in first year of master of nursing students, Nurse Educa-
tion Today (1998), št. 5.
McNeal, R. B., Extracurricular activities and high-school dropouts, Socio-
logy of Education (1995), št. 1.
McNeal, R. B., Participation in high school extracurricular activities: In-
vestigating school effects, Social Science Quarterly (1999), št. 2.
Menning, C. L., Nonresident Fathering and School Failure, Journal of Fa-
mily Issues (2006), št. 10.
Merton, R., Social Theory and Social Structure, Free Press, New York 1968.
Merton, R. K., Social theory and social structure; toward the codification of
theory and research, The Free Press, Glencoe 1949.
Metha, A., Existential Frustration and Psychological Anomie within Select
College Student Subcultures. Ph.D. dissertation., University of Southern
California 1972.
Michaels, M. L., Barr, A., Roosa, M. W., Knight, G. P., Adolescent Self-
Esteem in Cross-Cultural Perspective, Journal of Early Adolescence
(2007), št. 3.
Musek, J., Znanstvena podoba osebnosti, Educy, Ljubljana 1993.
Musher-Eizenman, D. R., Nesselroade, J. R., Schmitz, B., Perceived con-
trol and academic performance: A comparison of high- and low-per-
forming children on within-person change patterns, International Jo-
urnal of Behavioral Development (2002), št. 6.
Neisser, U., Boodoo, G., Bouchard, T. J. J., Boykin, A. W., Brody, N., Ceci,
S. J., Halpern, D. E., Loehlin, J. C., Perloff, R., Sternberg, R. J., Ur-
bina, S., Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns, American Psychologist
(1996), št. 2.
Newbegin, I., Owens, A., Self-esteem and anxiety in secondary school
achievement, Journal of Social Behavior & Personality (1996), št. 11.
Newman, J., Bidjerano, T., Ozdogru, A. A., Kao, C. C., Ozkose-Biyik, C.,
Johnson, J. J., What do they usually do after school? A comparative
analysis of fourth-grade children in Bulgaria, Taiwan, and the United
States, Journal of Early Adolescence (2007), št. 4.
Nunn, G. D., Parish, T. S., The psychosocial characteristics of at-risk high
school students, Adolescence (2008), št. 27.
McEwan, L., Goldenberg, D., Achievement motivation, anxiety and aca-
demic success in first year of master of nursing students, Nurse Educa-
tion Today (1998), št. 5.
McNeal, R. B., Extracurricular activities and high-school dropouts, Socio-
logy of Education (1995), št. 1.
McNeal, R. B., Participation in high school extracurricular activities: In-
vestigating school effects, Social Science Quarterly (1999), št. 2.
Menning, C. L., Nonresident Fathering and School Failure, Journal of Fa-
mily Issues (2006), št. 10.
Merton, R., Social Theory and Social Structure, Free Press, New York 1968.
Merton, R. K., Social theory and social structure; toward the codification of
theory and research, The Free Press, Glencoe 1949.
Metha, A., Existential Frustration and Psychological Anomie within Select
College Student Subcultures. Ph.D. dissertation., University of Southern
California 1972.
Michaels, M. L., Barr, A., Roosa, M. W., Knight, G. P., Adolescent Self-
Esteem in Cross-Cultural Perspective, Journal of Early Adolescence
(2007), št. 3.
Musek, J., Znanstvena podoba osebnosti, Educy, Ljubljana 1993.
Musher-Eizenman, D. R., Nesselroade, J. R., Schmitz, B., Perceived con-
trol and academic performance: A comparison of high- and low-per-
forming children on within-person change patterns, International Jo-
urnal of Behavioral Development (2002), št. 6.
Neisser, U., Boodoo, G., Bouchard, T. J. J., Boykin, A. W., Brody, N., Ceci,
S. J., Halpern, D. E., Loehlin, J. C., Perloff, R., Sternberg, R. J., Ur-
bina, S., Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns, American Psychologist
(1996), št. 2.
Newbegin, I., Owens, A., Self-esteem and anxiety in secondary school
achievement, Journal of Social Behavior & Personality (1996), št. 11.
Newman, J., Bidjerano, T., Ozdogru, A. A., Kao, C. C., Ozkose-Biyik, C.,
Johnson, J. J., What do they usually do after school? A comparative
analysis of fourth-grade children in Bulgaria, Taiwan, and the United
States, Journal of Early Adolescence (2007), št. 4.
Nunn, G. D., Parish, T. S., The psychosocial characteristics of at-risk high
school students, Adolescence (2008), št. 27.