Page 154 - Sergej Flere (ur.), Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 9
P. 154
Kdo je uspešen v slovenskih šolah?
Cattell, R. B., The Inheritance of Mental Ability, American Psychologist
(1971), št. 13.
Cattell, R. B., Horn, J. L., Refinement and Test of the Theory of Fluid and
Crystallized Intelligence, Journal of Educational Psychology (1966), št.
Chambers, E. A., Schreiber, J. B., Girls‘ academic achievement: varying as-
sociations of extracurricular activities, Gender and Education (2004),
št. 3.
Cicourel, A. V., Kitsuse, J. I., The Educational Decision-Makers, Bobbs-
Merrill, Indiannapolis 1963.
Cohen, L. E., Felson, M., Social Change and Crime Rate Trends: A Routi-
ne Activity Approach, American Sociological Review (1979), št. 1.
Coleman, J. S., The adolescent society, Free Press of Glencoe, New York
Coleman, J. S., Social capital in the creation of human capital, American
Journal of Sociology (1988), št. 1.
Coleman, J. S., Campbell, E. Q., Hobson, C. F., McPartland, J. M., Mood,
A. M., Weinfeld, F. D., York, R. L., Equality of Educational Opportuni-
ty, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 1966.
Connell, J. P., A new multidimensional measure of children‘s perceptions
of control, Child development (1985), št. 4.
Considine, G., Zappala, G., The influence of social and economic disad-
vantage in the academic performance of school students in Australia,
Journal of Sociology (2003), št. 2.
Cooper, H., Valentine, J. C., Nye, B., Lindsay, J., Relationships Between
Five After-School Activities and Academic Achievement, Journal of
Educational Psychology (1999), št. 2.
Coopersmith, S., The antecendents of self-esteem, W.H. Freeman, San Fran-
cisco 1967.
Crystal, D., Chen, C., Psychological Maladjustment and Academic Achi-
evement: A Cross-Cultural Study of Japanese, Chinese, and American
High School Students, Child Development (1994), št. 3.
Darling, N., Participation in extracurricular activities and adolescent ad-
justment: Cross-sectional and longitudinal findings, Journal of Youth
and Adolescence (2005), št. 5.
Cattell, R. B., The Inheritance of Mental Ability, American Psychologist
(1971), št. 13.
Cattell, R. B., Horn, J. L., Refinement and Test of the Theory of Fluid and
Crystallized Intelligence, Journal of Educational Psychology (1966), št.
Chambers, E. A., Schreiber, J. B., Girls‘ academic achievement: varying as-
sociations of extracurricular activities, Gender and Education (2004),
št. 3.
Cicourel, A. V., Kitsuse, J. I., The Educational Decision-Makers, Bobbs-
Merrill, Indiannapolis 1963.
Cohen, L. E., Felson, M., Social Change and Crime Rate Trends: A Routi-
ne Activity Approach, American Sociological Review (1979), št. 1.
Coleman, J. S., The adolescent society, Free Press of Glencoe, New York
Coleman, J. S., Social capital in the creation of human capital, American
Journal of Sociology (1988), št. 1.
Coleman, J. S., Campbell, E. Q., Hobson, C. F., McPartland, J. M., Mood,
A. M., Weinfeld, F. D., York, R. L., Equality of Educational Opportuni-
ty, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 1966.
Connell, J. P., A new multidimensional measure of children‘s perceptions
of control, Child development (1985), št. 4.
Considine, G., Zappala, G., The influence of social and economic disad-
vantage in the academic performance of school students in Australia,
Journal of Sociology (2003), št. 2.
Cooper, H., Valentine, J. C., Nye, B., Lindsay, J., Relationships Between
Five After-School Activities and Academic Achievement, Journal of
Educational Psychology (1999), št. 2.
Coopersmith, S., The antecendents of self-esteem, W.H. Freeman, San Fran-
cisco 1967.
Crystal, D., Chen, C., Psychological Maladjustment and Academic Achi-
evement: A Cross-Cultural Study of Japanese, Chinese, and American
High School Students, Child Development (1994), št. 3.
Darling, N., Participation in extracurricular activities and adolescent ad-
justment: Cross-sectional and longitudinal findings, Journal of Youth
and Adolescence (2005), št. 5.