Page 200 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 5-6: Civic, citizenship and rhetorical education in a rapidly changing world, eds. Janja Žmavc and Plamen Mirazchiyski
P. 200
šolsko polje, letnik xxx, številka 5–6

ciji v (novih) medijih in medijski pismenosti. Kot predsednica in članica
deluje v petih uredniških odborih madžarske in mednarodne periodike,
prav tako je članica madžarskih in mednarodnih podjetniških združenj.

Marinko Banjac
is an assistant professor at the chair of theoretical political science, Fac-
ulty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. His research interests are
political theories, citizenship theory, democracy and citizenship educa-
tion. His work has been published in national and international scientif-
ic journals.

Marinko Banjac
je docent v okviru katedre za teoretsko politologijo na Fakulteti za druž-
bene vede (Univerza v Ljubljani). Njegovi raziskovalni interesi so: poli-
tična teorija, teorija državljanstva, demokracija in državljanska vzgoja.
Njegova dela so publicirana v nacionalnih in mednarodnih znanstvenih

Mojca Cestnik
is Professor of Slovenian Language and Sociology. She has been teaching
Slovenian in primary schools for more than 20 years and elective cours-
es in rhetoric for 16 years. She has presented her didactic experiences in
teaching rhetoric to other teachers at multiple seminars organized by Ed-
ucational Research Institute.

Mojca Cestnik
je profesorica slovenščine in sociologije. V osnovni šoli že več kot 20 let uči
slovenščino ter 16 let izbirni predmet retoriko. Na izobraževanjih, ki jih je
organiziral Pedagoški inštitut, je drugim učiteljicam in učiteljem predsta-
vljala svoje didaktične izkušnje pri poučevanju retorike.

Diego Cortés
studied economics at the University of Hamburg and is currently working
on his PhD in applied microeconometrics at the University of Mainz. He
is currently working at the IEA in Hamburg as a Research Analyst (stat-
istician). He is involved in all sampling related tasks for the International
Civic and Citizenship Study 2022. His main research focus is on how to
use large-scale assessment in education to answer questions relevant to de-
velopmental economics. He also has a strong interest in survey methodol-
ogy and econometric methods for causal inference.

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