Page 203 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 5-6: Civic, citizenship and rhetorical education in a rapidly changing world, eds. Janja Žmavc and Plamen Mirazchiyski
P. 203
o avtorjih ■ about authors

Plamen Mirazchiyski
holds a master’s and PhD degree in Social Pedagogy and has a Bachelor’s
degree in Pre-school and Primary Education. Since 2008, Plamen has been
employed at the International Association for the Evaluation of Educa-
tional Achievement – Data Processing and Research Centre in Hamburg
(Germany), where he was the Deputy Head of the Research and Analysis
Unit for three years. Since the end of 2016, he has been a research fellow at
the Educational Research Institute (Slovenia). His main research interests
are reading literacy, mathematics and science education, civic and citizen-
ship education, ICT in education, methodology of large-scale assessments
and psychometrics. Plamen is also partly employed at the International
Educational Research and Evaluation Institute (INERI).

Plamen Mirazchiyski
ima magisterij in doktorat iz socialne pedagogike, diplomiral pa je iz pred-
šolske in osnovnošolske vzgoje. Od leta 2008 je bil Plamen zaposlen v
Mednarodni zvezi za evalvacijo izobraževalnih dosežkov – Center za raz-
iskave in obdelavo podatkov v Hamburgu (Nemčija), kjer je bil tri leta na-
mestnik vodje enote za raziskave in analize. Od leta 2016 je znanstveni
sodelavec na Pedagoškem inštitutu (Slovenija). Njegova glavna raziskoval-
na zanimanja so bralna pismenost, izobraževanje v matematiki in naravo-
slovju, državljanska vzgoja in državljanstvo, IKT v izobraževanju, meto-
dologija obsežnih ocenjevanj in psihometrija. Plamen je delno zaposlen
tudi v Mednarodnem inštitutu za raziskave in evalvacije v izobraževanju

Mojca Rožman
is currently working at the IEA in Hamburg as a Research Analyst. She
holds a PhD in Statistics for Social Sciences (thesis title: “Effect of sam-
ple composition in the estimation of item parameters and proficiency esti-
mation in international large-scale assessments”). In the past, she has con-
tributed to the questionnaire development for PISA 2018 and to different
IEA studies conducted in Slovenia (TIMSS, PIRLS, TALIS, SITES). She
is interested in the methodology and secondary analyses of international
large-scale assessments.

Mojca Rožman
je zaposlena pri IEA kot raziskovalka v oddelku za raziskovanje in analize.
Doktorirala je na področju družboslovne statistike (naslov dela: Učinek
sestave vzorca pri ocenjevanju parametrov postavk in dosežkov v medna-
rodnih raziskavah znanja). V preteklosti je sodelovala pri razvoju vprašal-

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