Page 199 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 5-6: Civic, citizenship and rhetorical education in a rapidly changing world, eds. Janja Žmavc and Plamen Mirazchiyski
P. 199
O avtorjih
About authors

Petra Aczél
is a full professor of communication and rhetoric at Corvinus Universi-
ty of Budapest and the head of the Institute of Behavioural Science and
Communication Theory, as well as a member of the Social Communica-
tion Doctoral School. She studied at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest,
earned her PhD degree in 2003, and gave her habilitation lecture in 2011.
She was appointed as a full professor in 2016. Her research interests are fo-
cused on the theory and practice of rhetoric, science communication, new
media and media literacy. She is an author of four books, has co-authored
four books and has published more than 200 publications on verbal and
visual communication, rhetoric, (new) media communication and media
literacy. She is the chair and a member of five editorial boards of Hungar-
ian and international periodicals and holds memberships in Hungarian
and international communication associations.

Petra Aczél
je redna profesorica komunikacijskih ved in retorike na univerzi Corvi-
nus v Budimpešti, vodja Inštituta za vedenjsko znanost in komunikacij-
sko teorijo ter članica doktorske šole za Družbeno komunikacijo. Študi-
rala je na univerzi Eötvös Loránd v Budimpešti, leta 2003 je doktorirala,
leta 2011 je imela javno nastopno predavanje. Leta 2016 je bila imenovana
za redno profesorico. Njeni raziskovalni interesi so usmerjeni v teorijo in
prakso retorike, komunikacijo v znanosti, nove medije in v medijsko pi-
smenost. Je avtorica štirih in soavtorica drugih štirih knjig, objavila je več
kot 200 člankov o verbalni in vizualni komunikaciji, retoriki, komunika-

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