Page 194 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 5-6: Civic, citizenship and rhetorical education in a rapidly changing world, eds. Janja Žmavc and Plamen Mirazchiyski
P. 194
šolsko polje, letnik xxx, številka 5–6
izmed oblik medvrstniškega nasilja. Čeprav so prejšnje raziskave poroča-
le o povezanosti medvrstniškega nasilja v šoli z SES učencev, naša anali-
za ni pokazala pričakovane povezanosti. Pokazala pa se je povezanost med
stopnjo državljanske vednosti učencev in medvrstniškim nasiljem v šolah,
zato lahko domnevamo, da so učenci, ki dosegajo boljše rezultate pri te-
stiranju državljanskega znanja, v šoli manj pogosto nadlegovani. Rezultati
multiple linearne regresije so pokazali, da so vse spremenljivke, ki ostanejo
statistično značilne tudi po testiranju z vsako od preostalih spremenljivk,
povezane s participacijo učencev. Iz tega lahko predvidevamo, da je lahko
povečana participacija učencev v šolah eden od dejavnikov, ki bi lahko pri-
pomogel k zmanjšanju pogostosti medvrstniškega nasilja.
Ključne besede: Medvrstniško nasilje, šola, ICCS, spremenljivke ozaden-
jskih podatkov, kontekstualne spremenljivke
Foteini Egglezou
The aim of the paper is to emphasize the role of debate regarding the in-
tellectual, social and political emancipation of students as future active
citizens through the examination of two, distant in time but still modern
pedagogical approaches, which emphatically underline the need as well
as the possibility of students’ empowerment both as individuals and citi-
zens: rhetorical paideia and critical pedagogy. After the presentation of the
main historical framework of both pedagogical approaches, we will try to
answer the question whether debate, as educational practice, can guaran-
tee a reliable correlation between the educational goals of rhetorical paid-
eia and critical pedagogy for cultivating active citizens. The main ques-
tions that lead our research to its final conclusions are: a) if and to what
extent can debate transform pedagogical practice in political praxis with-
in the context of critical pedagogy, b) the affinity between debate and the
cultivation of critical citizenry, c) the role of rhetorical paideia, in general,
and of debate, in particular, within the modern educational context for
the formation of active, responsible, critical thinkers and democratic cit-
izens and, last but not least, d) the role of educators concerning students’
familiarization with the pedagogical and didactic practice of debate. Our
theoretical research reveals points of convergence and points of diver-
gence with regards to the way in which debate is approached through the
prism of rhetorical paideia and of critical pedagogy, which are mainly due
to debate’s agonistic nature. The acceptance of debate as agon permeates
our research and brings upon various epistemic, philosophical, ideolog-
izmed oblik medvrstniškega nasilja. Čeprav so prejšnje raziskave poroča-
le o povezanosti medvrstniškega nasilja v šoli z SES učencev, naša anali-
za ni pokazala pričakovane povezanosti. Pokazala pa se je povezanost med
stopnjo državljanske vednosti učencev in medvrstniškim nasiljem v šolah,
zato lahko domnevamo, da so učenci, ki dosegajo boljše rezultate pri te-
stiranju državljanskega znanja, v šoli manj pogosto nadlegovani. Rezultati
multiple linearne regresije so pokazali, da so vse spremenljivke, ki ostanejo
statistično značilne tudi po testiranju z vsako od preostalih spremenljivk,
povezane s participacijo učencev. Iz tega lahko predvidevamo, da je lahko
povečana participacija učencev v šolah eden od dejavnikov, ki bi lahko pri-
pomogel k zmanjšanju pogostosti medvrstniškega nasilja.
Ključne besede: Medvrstniško nasilje, šola, ICCS, spremenljivke ozaden-
jskih podatkov, kontekstualne spremenljivke
Foteini Egglezou
The aim of the paper is to emphasize the role of debate regarding the in-
tellectual, social and political emancipation of students as future active
citizens through the examination of two, distant in time but still modern
pedagogical approaches, which emphatically underline the need as well
as the possibility of students’ empowerment both as individuals and citi-
zens: rhetorical paideia and critical pedagogy. After the presentation of the
main historical framework of both pedagogical approaches, we will try to
answer the question whether debate, as educational practice, can guaran-
tee a reliable correlation between the educational goals of rhetorical paid-
eia and critical pedagogy for cultivating active citizens. The main ques-
tions that lead our research to its final conclusions are: a) if and to what
extent can debate transform pedagogical practice in political praxis with-
in the context of critical pedagogy, b) the affinity between debate and the
cultivation of critical citizenry, c) the role of rhetorical paideia, in general,
and of debate, in particular, within the modern educational context for
the formation of active, responsible, critical thinkers and democratic cit-
izens and, last but not least, d) the role of educators concerning students’
familiarization with the pedagogical and didactic practice of debate. Our
theoretical research reveals points of convergence and points of diver-
gence with regards to the way in which debate is approached through the
prism of rhetorical paideia and of critical pedagogy, which are mainly due
to debate’s agonistic nature. The acceptance of debate as agon permeates
our research and brings upon various epistemic, philosophical, ideolog-