Page 259 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 5-6: Znanje, motivacija in pogoji učenja v luči mednarodnih primerjav TIMSS in PISA, ur. Barbara Japelj Pavešić in Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
P. 259

Are top performing 15-year-olds in Slovenia also most
satisfied with their life? Comparison of achievement
and life satisfaction predictors from PISA 2015

In the light of discussions about students in Slovenia being overburdened
with schoolwork, the article explores complementarity of the high read-
ing, mathematics and science achievements of Slovene adolescents, as ob-
served in international comparisons, with their satisfaction with life as a
key indicator of their psychological well-being. Using logistic regression
analysis of data from the representative sample of 6406 Slovenian 15-year-
olds from the last PISA research cycle from 2015 we analyze similarities
and differences between predictors of these cognitive and non-cognitive
developmental results.
Factors from the areas of psychological, social and cognitive well-being
have different effects on cognitive and non-cognitive results. In general,
socio-economic and cultural status, epistemological beliefs, self-efficacy,
motivation to achieve and, interestingly, consideration of other students
when cooperating in schoolwork are positive predictors of cognitive re-
sults. Negative effects on cognitive results are shown by test anxiety, per-
ceived unfairness of teachers, and another dimension of cooperation in
schoolwork, perceived effectiveness of cooperation in schoolwork on stu-
dent’s own achievements.
Some of the factors that affect life satisfaction are similar and some dif-
ferent from those affecting cognitive achievements. The co-dependence of
cognitive and non-cognitive developmental results can be seen through
motivation to achieve, which, like on achievements, also has a positive ef-
fect on life satisfaction, and through test anxiety, which, as on achieve-
ments, has a negative effect on life satisfaction. From this it could be un-
derstood that test anxiety and generally low achievement motivation of
Slovene students are an important source of feelings of being overbur-
dened with schoolwork reported also by adolescents in the study Health
related behavior during the school period (Jeriček Klanšček, Koprivnikar,
Drev, Pucelj , Zupanič and Britovšek, 2015).
Analyses in the article show that life satisfaction is affected also by oth-
er factors from school as well as out-of-school environments. The positive
effect of the perceived parental emotional support shows that, at 15 years
of age, the relationship with parents is still very important in how young
people experience their lives. There are also school effects. Along with the
aforementioned achievement motivation, an additional positive effect on
youth life satisfaction is shown by their sense of belonging to the school.
Along with the aforementioned test anxiety, being a victim of bullying

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