Page 261 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 5-6: Znanje, motivacija in pogoji učenja v luči mednarodnih primerjav TIMSS in PISA, ur. Barbara Japelj Pavešić in Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
P. 261

School climate and bullying in high-schools: PISA 2015 study

Present article has two aims: identification of the incidence of different
forms of bullying in the 1st year of Slovenian secondary schools and ex-
ploration of the connection between certain aspects of the school climate
(belonging to the school and perception of teachers as unfair) and peer vi-
olence. We are interested how the mentioned connections reflect in dif-
ferent secondary education programmes in Slovenia and if this is reported
differently by girls and boys. Basis for the exploration is PISA 2015 da-
tabase (n = 6151). Regarding the incidence of bullying in secondary ed-
ucation programs we found that in general 16 % of students experience
one form of bullying at least once per month. All forms of bullying are
least present in gymnasium programmes, and are most frequent in voca-
tional education programmes. In the latter girls tend to experience sim-
ilar extent of certain forms of bullying (e.g., threats and mockery) than
boys enrolled in secondary technical education and vocational education
In case of identifying the relationship between bullying and school cli-
mate, we found a weak to moderate significant positive correlation be-
tween bullying and perception of teachers as unfair and similar significant
negative correlation between bullying and students’ sense of belonging to
school in all secondary education programmes. Since here we are talking
purely about the connections of various factors of bullying at the correla-
tional level, but not on the level of their predictive power and size-effects,
this needs to be further investigated. However, findings of this study sug-
gest that also in the Slovenian school environment positive school climate
and interpersonal relationships are an important aspect to consider in
treatment and prevention of bullying at schools.
Key words: PISA, bullying, school climate, interpersonal relations
Ana Kozina and Mojca Štraus

Relationship between academic achievement as measured
in the PISA study and wellbeing indicators:
preliminary findings

Well-being is complex, multidimensional construct comprised of psy-
chological, social, cognitive and physical dimension and is significant-
ly related to academic achievement (reciprocal relationship). In the pres-
ent paper, we focus on the relationship between achievement in literacy
domains as measured in PISA study (reading, mathematical and scien-
tific literacy), and selected well-being indicators. We used a sub-sample
of PISA 2015 sample for Slovenia in an additional Well-being study. The

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