Page 264 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 5-6: Znanje, motivacija in pogoji učenja v luči mednarodnih primerjav TIMSS in PISA, ur. Barbara Japelj Pavešić in Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
P. 264
šolsko polje, letnik xxviii, številka 5–6

Ključne besede: spol, blagostanje, PISA, storilnostna motivacija

Gender Equality as a Factor of Well-Being?
PISA 2015 and Gender Differences

The authors start with well-being as multi-dimensional concept which is
dealt with predominantly in the field of education – it is understood as
something that exceeds educational achievements and material dimen-
sion and includes the possibility of agency and empowerment. That is why
this concept has an additional dimension: gender equality as achieved
(and not only as formally prescribed). The school is understood as a gen-
dered system and this has various effects: it can limit the possibilities; it
can define what is appropriate for a certain gender etc. In this way it can
negatively affect the well-being of both, boys and girls. The authors first
shed some light on and critically evaluate one part of the problematics,
i.e. educational achievements. In PISA reading literacy assessment girls
achieve higher. The authors are aware that “the achievements cannot be
the whole story”. In the following part the authors present some parts of
the PISA study on the well-being of girls and boys and their associations
with the achievements. The results of the empirical analyses in this article,
based on PISA, are an example that a more subtle reading of gender dif-
ferences is needed – non-differences in the indicator of achievement mo-
tivation cannot automatically lead us to conclude that there are no dif-
ferences in the impact of this indicator on the achievements. Moreover,
PISA results show a different picture: for well-being indicators for which
there are gender differences, there are no gender difference in their asso-
ciations with achievements, while, in contrast, the indicator of achieve-
ment motivation for which there are no gender differences in its values for
girls and boys, shows a stronger association with the achievement for girls
than for boys.
Key words: gender, well-being, PISA, achievement motivation

Mitja Sardoč

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