Page 254 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 5-6: Znanje, motivacija in pogoji učenja v luči mednarodnih primerjav TIMSS in PISA, ur. Barbara Japelj Pavešić in Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
P. 254
šolsko polje, letnik xxviii, številka 5–6
izjemo Finske), metoda razlage pri pouku matematike manj prisotna kot
v Sloveniji. Na osnovi rezultatov v prispevku podamo tudi nekatere smer-
nice za spremembo šolske prakse.
Ključne besede: TIMSS 2015, matematika, četrtošolci, situacijski dejavni-
ki, motivacijski dejavniki.
The impact of some contextual and motivational factors on
mathematical achievement of fourth graders in TIMSS 2015
The pupil‘s achievements do not depend only on the ability and motiva-
tion of the child, but are influenced by a number of factors that can be
found in the child‘s environment, both within the family and within the
school environment. In the article, the results obtained in the internation-
al TIMSS 2015 study focus primarily on factors that can be found in the
child‘s school environment and indirectly affect the child‘s own achieve-
ments. We have examined the influence of the methods of teaching as re-
ported by a teacher and the perception of classroom environment as re-
ported by pupils’ on 4th grade pupils’ achievements in mathematics. The
basic conclusion is that situational factors don’t explain the achievements
of pupils, since the correlation coefficients are low, however motivational
factors explain the achievements somewhat better. The results show that
teachers often use a direct instruction method in mathematics classes,
which is negatively related to students’ achievements. However, teachers
also associate mathematics with everyday life and the existing knowledge
of pupils, which is positively related to students’ achievements. Teachers’
perceive that they, in most cases, encourage discussion among pupils, but
this factor does not significantly affect the achievements of pupils. We
also found that most teachers do not include ICT in mathematics classes,
since calculators, laptops and tablets are not available during the course of
classes. The results of our research confirm the importance of homework,
which are short but regular. As expected, results confirm that a higher lev-
el of confidence in one’s own abilities is associated with higher achieve-
ments of pupils. Unfortunately, in Slovenia, just over half of the pupils
perceive the commitment to teaching of their teachers as high, which is
below the international average. We also compared some results with the
results of other countries. The comparison did not give consistent results,
but we found out that in almost all countries that achieved higher results
than Slovenia (with the exception of Finland), the method of direct in-
struction in mathematics lessons is less resent than in Slovenia. On the
basis of the findings, we provided some guidance for teachers which could
effectively contribute to improving student achievement.
izjemo Finske), metoda razlage pri pouku matematike manj prisotna kot
v Sloveniji. Na osnovi rezultatov v prispevku podamo tudi nekatere smer-
nice za spremembo šolske prakse.
Ključne besede: TIMSS 2015, matematika, četrtošolci, situacijski dejavni-
ki, motivacijski dejavniki.
The impact of some contextual and motivational factors on
mathematical achievement of fourth graders in TIMSS 2015
The pupil‘s achievements do not depend only on the ability and motiva-
tion of the child, but are influenced by a number of factors that can be
found in the child‘s environment, both within the family and within the
school environment. In the article, the results obtained in the internation-
al TIMSS 2015 study focus primarily on factors that can be found in the
child‘s school environment and indirectly affect the child‘s own achieve-
ments. We have examined the influence of the methods of teaching as re-
ported by a teacher and the perception of classroom environment as re-
ported by pupils’ on 4th grade pupils’ achievements in mathematics. The
basic conclusion is that situational factors don’t explain the achievements
of pupils, since the correlation coefficients are low, however motivational
factors explain the achievements somewhat better. The results show that
teachers often use a direct instruction method in mathematics classes,
which is negatively related to students’ achievements. However, teachers
also associate mathematics with everyday life and the existing knowledge
of pupils, which is positively related to students’ achievements. Teachers’
perceive that they, in most cases, encourage discussion among pupils, but
this factor does not significantly affect the achievements of pupils. We
also found that most teachers do not include ICT in mathematics classes,
since calculators, laptops and tablets are not available during the course of
classes. The results of our research confirm the importance of homework,
which are short but regular. As expected, results confirm that a higher lev-
el of confidence in one’s own abilities is associated with higher achieve-
ments of pupils. Unfortunately, in Slovenia, just over half of the pupils
perceive the commitment to teaching of their teachers as high, which is
below the international average. We also compared some results with the
results of other countries. The comparison did not give consistent results,
but we found out that in almost all countries that achieved higher results
than Slovenia (with the exception of Finland), the method of direct in-
struction in mathematics lessons is less resent than in Slovenia. On the
basis of the findings, we provided some guidance for teachers which could
effectively contribute to improving student achievement.