Page 257 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 5-6: Znanje, motivacija in pogoji učenja v luči mednarodnih primerjav TIMSS in PISA, ur. Barbara Japelj Pavešić in Klaudija Šterman Ivančič
P. 257
kritični do nizkega vrednotenja umetnosti in družboslovja s strani učitel-
jev matematike.
Ključne besede: motivacija, matematika, ustvarjalnost, umetnostna vzgo-
ja, gledališka pedagogika
Art and Mathematics: Problem of motivation
and ideas for improvement
In the article, the author explains the views of mathematics teachers on
art and social sciences, as can be seen from the responses to an anonymous
online questionnaire on the motivation, which was met by a total of 388
teachers of mathematics in gymnasiums and other secondary schools. The
author of the article is interested into the question what needs to be done
to ensure that the areas of social sciences, arts and humanities are valued
in the Slovenian educational system. The latter is a prerequisite for estab-
lishing effective cross-curricular connections.
In addressing the problem of motivation, the author highlights the psy-
chological aspects of motivation and the existing theoretical reflections of
artistic processes and creativity as a source of motivation and calls for the
systematization of art education in the educational system.
In the third part of the article, teachers‘ responses to the online question-
naire are presented. The author first deals with teachers‘ suggestions for
improvements in motivation, and in the final part of the article she syn-
thesises some suggestions for improvements of motivation in the Slovene
educational system.
Keywords: motivation, mathematics, creativity, arts education, theatre
Mojca Štraus
So v Sloveniji učno najuspešnejši 15-letniki tudi najbolj
zadovoljni z življenjem? Primerjava napovednikov visokih
dosežkov in zadovoljstva z življenjem iz raziskave PISA 2015
V luči razprav v slovenskem prostoru o preobremenjenosti učenk in
učencev s šolskim delom v članku raziskujemo komplementarnost vi-
sokih bralnih, matematičnih in naravoslovnih dosežkov slovenskih mla-
dostnikov, ki se kažejo v mednarodnih primerjavah, z njihovim zadovol-
jstvom z življenjem kot krovnim kazalnikom psihološkega blagostanja. Z
logistično regresijsko analizo podatkov za populacijo reprezentativnega
vzorca 6406 slovenskih 15-letnikov iz zadnjega cikla raziskave PISA iz leta
2015 ugotavljamo ujemanje in razlike med napovedniki teh kognitivnih in
nekognitivnih razvojnih rezultatov.
kritični do nizkega vrednotenja umetnosti in družboslovja s strani učitel-
jev matematike.
Ključne besede: motivacija, matematika, ustvarjalnost, umetnostna vzgo-
ja, gledališka pedagogika
Art and Mathematics: Problem of motivation
and ideas for improvement
In the article, the author explains the views of mathematics teachers on
art and social sciences, as can be seen from the responses to an anonymous
online questionnaire on the motivation, which was met by a total of 388
teachers of mathematics in gymnasiums and other secondary schools. The
author of the article is interested into the question what needs to be done
to ensure that the areas of social sciences, arts and humanities are valued
in the Slovenian educational system. The latter is a prerequisite for estab-
lishing effective cross-curricular connections.
In addressing the problem of motivation, the author highlights the psy-
chological aspects of motivation and the existing theoretical reflections of
artistic processes and creativity as a source of motivation and calls for the
systematization of art education in the educational system.
In the third part of the article, teachers‘ responses to the online question-
naire are presented. The author first deals with teachers‘ suggestions for
improvements in motivation, and in the final part of the article she syn-
thesises some suggestions for improvements of motivation in the Slovene
educational system.
Keywords: motivation, mathematics, creativity, arts education, theatre
Mojca Štraus
So v Sloveniji učno najuspešnejši 15-letniki tudi najbolj
zadovoljni z življenjem? Primerjava napovednikov visokih
dosežkov in zadovoljstva z življenjem iz raziskave PISA 2015
V luči razprav v slovenskem prostoru o preobremenjenosti učenk in
učencev s šolskim delom v članku raziskujemo komplementarnost vi-
sokih bralnih, matematičnih in naravoslovnih dosežkov slovenskih mla-
dostnikov, ki se kažejo v mednarodnih primerjavah, z njihovim zadovol-
jstvom z življenjem kot krovnim kazalnikom psihološkega blagostanja. Z
logistično regresijsko analizo podatkov za populacijo reprezentativnega
vzorca 6406 slovenskih 15-letnikov iz zadnjega cikla raziskave PISA iz leta
2015 ugotavljamo ujemanje in razlike med napovedniki teh kognitivnih in
nekognitivnih razvojnih rezultatov.